“Czech President Peter Pavel arrived on a visit to Ukraine, in particular, he visited Odessa, which was under a massive Russian attack at this time. Source: Vice Prime Minister for Recovery of Ukraine-Minister of Community and Territories Development Alexey Kuleb in Telegram Direct Kuleba Language: “I am glad to greet the President of the Czech Republic of Peter Pavel in Ukraine.”, – WRITE: www.pravda.com.ua
Source: Vice Prime Minister for Restoration of Ukraine-Minister of Community and Territories Alexei Kuleb in Telegram
Details: According to Kuleba, the parties discussed the key issues of safety of navigation, demining and restoration of Ukraine, as well as community development.

“The Czech Republic is one of the leaders among countries that systematically help Ukraine. Over the three years of the Great War, the partner country has provided 900 million dollars in Ukraine-from humanitarian programs to military equipment.
He also recalled that the Czech Republic is actively involved in the reconstruction of Ukraine: it took patronage over the Dnipropetrovsk region, where it updates water purification stations, supplies generators, medical equipment, etc., modernizes the regional dtly hospital in the Kyiv region and sells projects in other regions.
“They also agreed on the expansion of humanitarian aid for the affected regions, including providing temporary housing for those who have lost their homes and the support of medical institutions. Together with the heads of Odessa, Mykolaiv and Kherson Ova, they discussed further direct support for the regions,” Kuleba said.
In addition, the Ukrainian Minister has invited the Czech President to join the Conference on Reconstruction of Ukraine, which will take place this summer in Rome.
- In the evening of March 20, the Russian army launched drum drones in Odessa, explosions were erupted in the city, and powerful fires broke out. The victims were reported.