“The vast majority of Ukrainians believe that Russia aims to destroy Ukraine and does not want to stop in the occupied territories. Source: The results of a survey of the Kiev International Institute of Sociology, conducted on February 14 – March 4, literally sociologists: “87% of Ukrainians believe that Russia does not want to stop in the occupied territories.””, – WRITE: www.pravda.com.ua
Source: Results of a survey of the Kiev International Institute of Sociology, conducted on February 14 – March 4
Literally sociologists: “87% of Ukrainians believe that Russia does not want to stop in the occupied territories.”
Details: Sociologists point out that in all regions of Ukraine the absolute majority (from 80% in the east and south to 89-90% in the West and Center) believe that Russia will not stop in the occupied territories.
In addition, 66% of respondents are convinced that the purpose of Russia is now the destruction of Ukraine and Ukrainians (28% believe that Russia wants to carry out a physical genocide of Ukrainians, and 38% – that he wants to capture all or most of Ukraine and destroy Ukrainian statehood and nation).

“70% in the west, 68% in the center, 62% in the south believe that Russia wants to carry out physical genocide or destroy Ukrainian statehood and nation. In the East, the indicator is also high – 46%,” sociologists say.
Another 14% believe that Russia wants to capture all or most of the territory and establish a puppet government. 7% think that the Russian Federation wants to occupy all Donbas, Kherson and Zaporozhye.
Only 4% believe that Russia only wants to preserve the already occupied territories, and only 3% – that Russia wants to simply “deniberize” and demilitarize Ukraine.
The remaining 7% of those polled were unable to answer the questions.
The Deputy Executive Director of KIIS Anton Hrushetsky stated that these results of the survey indicate that although Ukrainians are “very tired”, but they are “still strongly against peace” on all conditions “.
“The Ukrainians are quite flexible and ready to discuss even the painful options for the end of the war. At the same time, Ukrainians are ready to uphold their” red lines “(which are the survival of the Ukrainian nation, preserving sovereignty and security guarantees) and are definitely not going to simply put weapons and give up on the enemy’s mercy,” Hrushetsky summed up.
The study lasted from February 14 to March 4. The method of telephone interviews on the basis of a random sample of mobile numbers interviewed 1,029 respondents aged 18 years of age who live in all regions of Ukraine that are under the control of the Government of Ukraine.
The samples did not include residents of territories that are not temporarily controlled by the authorities of Ukraine (at the same time some of the respondents were IDPs who moved from the occupied territories), and did not conduct a survey among citizens who left abroad after February 24, 2022.
Formally, in normal circumstances, the statistical error of such sample (with a probability of 0.95 and taking into account the design effect 1.3) did not exceed 4.1% for indicators close to 50%, 3.5% for indicators close to 25%, 2.5%-for indicators close to 10%, 1.8%-for indicators.
Under the war, in addition to this formal error, some systematic deviation is added, but sociologists believe that the results still retain high representativeness and allow to analyze the public sentiment of the population.