September 30, 2024
Zelenskyi on the implementation of the Victory Plan: We expect "concrete things" from our partners thumbnail
Ukraine News Today

Zelenskyi on the implementation of the Victory Plan: We expect “concrete things” from our partners

President Volodymyr Zelenskyi says that after his visit to the USA, he expects specific actions from Ukraine’s partners to strengthen the strategy and implement the Victory Plan. Source: Zelensky’s evening video address to Ukrainians Details: According to him, he just finished a meeting on the results of his visit to the United States.”, — write:

President Volodymyr Zelenskyi says that after his visit to the USA, he expects specific actions from Ukraine’s partners to strengthen the strategy and implement the Victory Plan.

Source: Zelensky’s evening video address to Ukrainians

Details: According to him, he just finished a meeting on the results of his visit to the United States. He spoke with the military, the government and the Office of the President.

Direct speech: “Our teams – Ukrainian and American – are already working with everything that we discussed in New York and Washington, and are already preparing for the meeting in Rammstein. It will be a special Rammstein, and from our side the partners are getting all the details , all arguments on how to ensure results in the coming months both at the front and in diplomatic work.”

More details: Zelensky noted that in order to win, it is necessary to combine the power of arms and the power of diplomacy, because they “always work effectively only together.”

Direct speech: “This is exactly how we have to implement the Victory Plan. We also expect concrete things from partners to strengthen our strategy. And this applies to all our partners. Our strength lies precisely in the fact that the free world defends itself.”

We will remind:

  • On September 5, it was reported that Zelensky wants to personally ask Western partners for further supplies of weapons to fight against Russia at a Ramstein-style meeting.
  • The meeting in the Rammstein format will take place on October 12.

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