“Previously, the Ministry of Defense dismissed Pavel Tkachuk from the position of head of the National Academy of Ground Forces named after Hetman Petro Sahaidachny”, — write: www.radiosvoboda.org
“The head of the army and the commander of the Ground Forces presented the candidates. Five professional soldiers. All have experience of this war, known in the army. I consider each of them worthy of appointment, but I suggest to our military, to all who use the “Army+” application, to participate in the election of the new head of the academy,” the post states.
According to Zelenskyi, the survey on the necessary changes in the academy and the selection of the head of the academy will continue from today until January 17 inclusive, and based on the results of the vote, appropriate decisions will be made and the head of the academy will be appointed.
On December 12, the Ministry of Defense dismissed Pavel Tkachuk from the post of head of the National Academy of Ground Forces named after Hetman Petro Sahaidachny.
Earlier in December, First Deputy Minister of Defense Ivan Gavrylyuk said that the decision regarding Tkachuk has already been made, he will be released due to the complaints of the cadets.
Lieutenant General Pavlo Tkachuk has been the head of the National Academy of Ground Forces named after Hetman Pyotr Sagaidachny since 2002. In 2010, he was a deputy of the Lviv City Council from the “Party of Regions”, and in 2013 he became non-partisan. In the local elections in 2020, Pavlo Tkachuk ran for the Lviv Regional Council as a candidate for “Servant of the People”.