“The Supreme Commander created 18 army buildings. Their commanders are intended. Other worthy units of the National Guard and our “Azov”. The state and command recognizes the merits of our brigade to the people of Ukraine.”, – WRITE: www.pravda.com.ua
Other worthy units of the National Guard and our Azov. The state and command recognizes the merits of our brigade to the people of Ukraine. We are grateful for trust and recognition.
The decision to form corps (I will not delve into history), though delayed, but absolutely correct.
However, now all those on the front have one question: what personnel our state plans to fill and maintain the combat capability of 5-7 crews of a complete state of one corps relatively quickly?
There are probably many different options for thoughts.
However, there is only one honest answer for all Ukrainians – to fill the states of corps by Ukrainian citizens of male (most) and female (in the minority) gender.
Thus, the citizens of Ukraine should fill, form and replenish the composition of the newly created corps of the Ukrainian army.
Under the constitution of the state, all Ukrainian citizens have many rights.
Among them is the recognition of the full capacity of the person through the right from the age of 18 to choose and be elected.
In all life circumstances and even in the time of threats to their own state, Ukrainians have become full citizens from the age of 18.
That’s right.
Since then, our constitution, not any other law, directly and does not ambiguously determine that:
Article 24. Citizens have equal constitutional rights and freedoms and are equal before the law.
There can be no privileges or restrictions on the characteristics of race, skin color, political, religious and other beliefs, gender, ethnic and social origin, property status, place of residence, linguistic or other characteristics.
The Constitution, not Svyatoslav Palamar or even the entire Verkhovna Rada defines all Ukrainians equal to laws and obligations.
Without a division for the protection of the Motherland into incomplete capable “children” from 18 to 25 years or fully capable for the “adults” from 25 to 60 years.
Some “adults” – by “bell”, and other “children” – for “buns” of material remuneration in the case of voluntary (!) Case.
Is it under such conditions about justice? A question is a question that no one answers.
These words that are recorded in our Constitution, I only state the fair state truth during the war: everyone, everyone, emphasize everyone (!!!) is fully capable of elections by a citizen enshrined in the Constitution of Ukraine:
Article 65. Protection of the Fatherland, Independence and Territorial Integrity of Ukraine, worship of its state symbols is a duty of Ukrainian citizens.
Citizens serve military service in accordance with the law !!!!!!!!!!!!
Article 68. Each is obliged to strictly adhere to the Constitution of Ukraine and the laws of Ukraine, not to encroach on the rights and freedoms, honor and dignity of other people.
And in the event of an attack on our country, the Ukrainian warrior has the right and obligation without court and investigation to destroy the enemy, if he does not give up.
But even such a rigid right and obligation, the state has and simply obliged to teach!
Now let’s return to the content of Art. 65 of the Constitution of Ukraine, which I did not come up with – Svyatoslav Palamar – or anyone else.
“… Citizens serve military service in accordance with the law.”
Where is the law that makes it obligatory to protect the Fatherland and for “children-children” and for (as it turns out-fully capable of adults from 18 years)?
Is it before the Constitution of Ukraine is all equal and someone is “equal”?
I remind you that on May 18, 2023, Ukraine officially said goodbye to the Verkhovna Rada.
Let’s get deeper. Was the former conscript service effective? Definitely – no!
I and my brothers are convinced that the peaceful future of the Ukrainian army is precisely by the professional contract army. An army that will have a constant stock of fighters prepared to protect the Fatherland from all capable citizens of Ukraine who have been required for all military service.
I am deeply convinced (and this war has proven this fact) that the general military duty should be the key to maintaining the demographic potential of the state, performing the function of continuous training of fighters, their quality training and mandatory real military service not in the existing front.
It will be legitimate, reasonable and fair in the event of an enemy attack, and even more so in war.
With such a state -owned approach, we would already have thousands of young guys who, in parallel with military training, would protect important objects (bridges, power plants, military towns, landfills, etc.), would provide the activities of commanders, would be part of mobile air defense groups. escorting, public order, carried out logistics of transportation, early construction of fortifications without accepting direct participation in hostilities on the front line. And tens of thousands of contractors or mobilized would be involved directly on the front.
Take, for example, the current Azov BZVP course.
Every soldier receives real skills and accounting specialty according to his capabilities and skills. Our Azov is interested in the combat capability and real preparation of the fighter and, like no other, cares in this war for every call. Every day and in everything.
Many will tell you that the Azov BZVP course prepares a fighter better than a training center, which, unlike the course in the unit, does not have a lightning feedback about the result of preparation.
But now it’s not about it.
Azov units now serve about 25 percent of young men under 24 years old. And as of today, there are candidates who are already voluntarily at different stages of registration.
Here I want to ask a question. Why, despite the injustice in age categories, you have also given birth to injustice, which will result in a young man of 20+ years in a separate self -chosen unit of the Armed Forces and will receive a million hryvnias of encourage nothing? What is the state unequal justice contrary to the constitution?
But now I am writing not only about Azov.
Did our legislators think why did our enemy abolish conscript military service?
And why do all women and men serve in Israel from the age of 18?
Whatever our Ukrainian legislators do not come to mind in spite of the norms of the Constitution, the cruel realities of war speak for themselves.
Even despite the development of technologies, the widespread use of artificial intelligence and robotic systems, on the front without people of victory will never come and not a Bud THERE ARE!
Therefore, the conclusion and suggestions are as follows:
We are definitely not legislators and do not know the legal techniques of writing bills.
But without our opinion, practical advice and justice, any populist laws that are contrary to the constitutions are and will be stillbirth. During the threat of Ukraine’s existence, we are obliged to make unpopular decisions, and all efforts should be aimed at increasing defense both now and in the future.
And I will tell everyone.
The world realities of the last month are reminded that we can only count on ourselves.
As Israel, which since the state of state in 1946 is in a state of permanent war, with only 9 million 757 thousand people. The population, equal before the law, without dividing into “equal” and “equal”.
PS and so, I, Svyatoslav Palamar, have the moral right to write about a general military duty, because I treat those romantics who once deliberately took academic leave and went to serve conscripts from the student’s bench.
I am deeply convinced that then, and even more so, all capable citizens should swear allegiance and defend Ukraine.
Ukraine, which will justly care for every defender from the conscription and to the obelisk, even in the event of death for the Motherland!
Svyatoslav Palamar
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