“VLK 2025: What are the new requirements for men and women for health reasons on March 6, 11:29 to share: VLK 2025 (photo: Volyn Regional Shopping Center and JV) Changes in Military Medical Expertise from the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine is an important step to optimizing the process of determining the suitability of servicemen. New provisions take into account modern requirements and needs by adapting the system to the current conditions. Read also: Electronic Directions to VLK: How new”, – WRITE ON: ua.news
VLK 2025 (Photo: Volyn Regional Shopping Center and SP)
Changes in military medical expertise from the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine is an important step towards optimizing the process of determining the suitability of servicemen in service. New provisions take into account modern requirements and needs by adapting the system to the current conditions.
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On April 27, 2024, the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine adopted Order No. 262, which amended the Order of August 14, 2008 No. 402 of the Regulations on Military Medical Expertise in the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
Changes are made in connection with the abolition of limited use as a state of health of the conscripts. The order also provides for the following changes:
1. The shelf life is expanded. Therefore, conscripts can now be recognized:
- Suitable for maintenance
- Suitable for service in units of military support, military enlistment offices, military educational establishments, training centers, institutions, medical units, departments of rear, communication, operational, protection
- temporarily unsuitable (Required treatment, vacation or dismissal)
- unsuitable for military service with a 6–12 months
- unsuitable for military service with withdrawal from military accounting
2. The VLK Resolution on the suitability of the military service is valid within one year from the date of the medical examination. Therefore, the conscripts need to update medical information annually.
Article 63 of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine 560 stipulates that the conscripts, in which the term of delay from the conscription during the mobilization, has not been completed for a special period, are not sent for medical examination, except when the military is accepted for military service.
3. Amendments have been made to the schedule of diseases, conditions and defects, which determine the degree of suitability for military service and service in the military reserve.
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4. Medical examinations, laboratory tests and other necessary additional studies can last as much as it is necessary to obtain complete information about a person’s health, but not more than 14 days.
5. In case of non -compliance (consultation) with the participation of leading medical specialists. During this examination, the controversial results of preliminary examination and hospitalization may not be taken into account.
6. Information on the results of medical examination (Military medical examination) is entered in the unified regime of military service (Charm).
7. In case of recognition of servicemen unsuitable for military service or unsuitable for military service with re-inspection in 6–12 months and the inability to perform official duties for health reasons during the dismissal from military service, the Military Medical Commission at the same time as the resolution on the dismissal of a state of health.
8. Persons dismissed from military service and declared unfit for military service may be re-inspected by military medical commissions at the place of military accounting after mandatory inspection in specialized health care institutions to confirm or change the diagnosis.
9. The Military Medical Commission will be able to make decisions, including at outgoing meetings, and in some cases remotely (For example, if treatment is carried out abroad).
10. According to the rules of military accounting, mobilization and military service, normative legal acts in Ukraine stipulates that a summons, whose appearance is recorded in the resolutions, is handed out to clarify the data. It can be printed and filled by hand or generated through a register of conscripts.
The corresponding changes came into force on May 4, 2024 and the valid ones.
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