September 24, 2024
Ukraine asks Britain to extradite fugitive People's Deputy Dmytrouk - media thumbnail
Ukraine News Today

Ukraine asks Britain to extradite fugitive People’s Deputy Dmytrouk – media

Ukraine asks Britain to extradite fugitive People’s Deputy Dmytrouk – ZMIN People’s deputy from “Servant of the People” Artem Dmytrouk will appear before a court in London regarding possible extradition to Ukraine. He is accused of “hooliganism” and claims to be a victim of political persecution.”, — write on:

In London, a trial is to be held regarding the possible extradition to Ukraine of People’s Deputy from “Servant of the People” Aretm Dmytrouk. The Independent writes about it, reports UNN.


The publication emphasizes that the extradition request is based on allegations of “hooliganism” over an incident he was involved in in 2020 when he tried to force his way into a political meeting.

Dmytruk, who is a deacon of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, will argue at Westminster Magistrates’ Court on Tuesday that he is the victim of political persecution by the Zelenskyi government because of his support for the church

The car that took Dmytrouk to the border was purchased specially in advance – the State Security ServiceSeptember 2, 2024, 07:00 • 34366 views

It is noted that in a comment to the publication, Dmytruk said that the British government provided him with security after he fled in August.

On the eve of the court session, the people’s deputy also announced about political persecution.

Now there is a political persecution of me and my family, against me for my political views and support for the UOC

We will remind

In September, People’s Deputy of Ukraine Artem Dmytrouk, who crossed the border illegally, was seen in a shopping center in London.

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