September 25, 2024
Trump promised to "withdraw" the US from the war in Ukraine in the event of his victory thumbnail
Ukraine News Today

Trump promised to “withdraw” the US from the war in Ukraine in the event of his victory

Donald Trump, the US presidential candidate from the Republican Party, said that America is “stuck” in the war in Ukraine, and only his victory will allow it to “get out” of it. Source: Trump at a rally in Atlanta on Tuesday, September 24, reports “European Truth” Details: The ex-president again promised in case of victory to “settle the war in Ukraine” and “end the chaos in the Middle East” because the world is “very close to the Third world war”.”, — write:

Donald Trump, the US presidential candidate from the Republican Party, said that America is “stuck” in the war in Ukraine, and only his victory will allow it to “get out” of it.

Source: Trump at a rally in Atlanta on Tuesday, September 24, “European Truth” reports

Details: The ex-president again promised in case of victory to “settle the war in Ukraine” and “put an end to the chaos in the Middle East”, because the world is “very close to the Third World War”.

“Biden and Kamala got us into a war in Ukraine, and now they can’t get us out of there. They can’t. I watched him: ‘We’re going to get out, we’re going to get out, we’re going to get out.’ He’s been saying that for three years,” Trump added.

He also repeated his words about Zelensky, who “is the best businessman on Earth” and “takes 100 billion dollars with him” every time he travels to the United States.

“But we’re stuck in this war unless I’m elected president. I’m going to do it. I’m going to negotiate. I’m going to get out of there. We have to get out,” the Republican said.

He then allowed a scenario in which Russia could win the war against Ukraine, quoting in support of his words the statement of “someone” with whom he spoke the other day: “They defeated Hitler, they defeated Napoleon. This is what they do. They fight, and it’s unpleasant.”

And after that, Trump repeated the repeatedly refuted thesis that the USA gave Ukraine “almost 300 billion dollars”, and Europe – “only a small part of this amount”. And accused Biden of not even trying to change the situation.

“Do you think Biden doesn’t sleep at night, thinking about how we’re going to make Europe pay? No, he’s sleeping,” Trump concluded.

As you know, Trump has repeatedly stated that he knows how to end the war in Ukraine. In a debate with Vice President Kamala, Harris avoided answering whether he wants Ukraine to win the war, repeating only that he “wants to stop the war” and claiming that the real human losses in it allegedly reach millions.

Harris, in turn, said that if he, and not Joe Biden, had been the president in recent years, it would have been a disaster for Ukraine and Eastern Europe.

Read also: Is Trump lifting sanctions? Is the US presidential candidate really planning to loosen restrictions against the Russian Federation?

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