“The Security Service of Ukraine reports that, together with other law enforcement officers, on January 18-20, it conducted more than 150 special operations and 85 arrests within the framework of investigations into cases of threats to state security. Source: SBU in social networks Verbatim: “During this period, SBU employees conducted comprehensive procedural actions in 157 criminal proceedings.”, — write: www.pravda.com.ua
The Security Service of Ukraine reports that, together with other law enforcement officers, on January 18-20, it conducted more than 150 special operations and 85 arrests within the framework of investigations into cases of threats to state security.
Source: SBU in social networks
Literally: “During this period, the SBU employees conducted comprehensive procedural actions in 157 criminal proceedings. As a result of these actions, 222 persons received reports of suspicion, 85 of them were detained.”
Details: It is reported that the suspicion was received by:
- 19 enemy agents who spied and carried out sabotage for the benefit of the Russian special services;
- 39 involved in crimes in the military sphere, including embezzlement of defense state budget funds;
- 63 persons, including employees of the TCC, former MSEK and VLK, as well as medical institutions, who were involved in “evasive schemes”;
- 7 people who harmed state security in cyberspace. Among them are anti-Ukrainian propagandists;
- 24 persons who harmed the economic interests of the state;
- 7 people involved in illegal arms trafficking.
In total, 287 searches were conducted within the framework of these criminal proceedings.