“According to the investigation, “the perpetrators developed a plan for the systematic supply of electronic components from Ukraine to Russia to circumvent sanctions bans””, — write: www.radiosvoboda.org
According to the SBU, “the exposed companies are part of a large international corporation founded in the Russian Federation that manufactures unique microchips and electronic boards for the navigation and control systems of ballistic and cruise missiles of the Kh-101, Kalibr, and Iskander-K types.”
“Part of these boards are also used for guidance systems of kamikaze drones, Tornado-G multiple rocket launchers, and on-board navigation of the Ka-52 attack-reconnaissance helicopter,” the press service emphasized.
According to the investigation, “the perpetrators developed a plan for the systematic supply of electronic components from Ukraine to Russia to circumvent sanctions bans.”
“For the successful implementation of the plan, the perpetrators changed the end consumer and bought products on the territory of Ukraine and other countries. In the future, the products were sent to a controlled company in the Middle East, which is under international sanctions, and from there to a Russian company, which is also under Western sanctions. Among the final consumers of the goods were strategic state enterprises of the Russian Federation and enterprises working in the structure of the military-industrial complex of the aggressor country, in particular, SpetsTechMash joint-stock company,” the report says.
The SBU specified that “the facts of the use of Ukrainian microchips and electronic boards by the Russian invaders are confirmed by the conclusions of expert examinations made on the basis of the study of fragments of enemy missiles and drones.”
“The SBU detained one of the suspects, who was found to have a Russian passport. He was declared suspect for h. 3 Art. 28, ch. 1 Art. 111-2 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine – assistance to the aggressor state committed by an organized group. The suspect faces up to 12 years in prison with confiscation of property. According to the same article, law enforcement officers are preparing a notice of suspicion to other participants of the scheme,” the SBU concluded.