“As a result of the Russian drone attack, infrastructure objects in Sumy and in the village were damaged. Sand in Sumy region, passed without the victims. Source: Sumy Ova in Telegram literally Ova: “At night the enemy attacked UAV Sumy community.”, – WRITE: www.pravda.com.ua
As a result of the Russian drone attack, infrastructure objects in Sumy and in the village were damaged. Sand in Sumy region, passed without the victims.
Source: Sumy Ova in Telegram
Literally Ova: “At night, the enemy attacked UAV Sumy community. As a result of explosions in Sumy and the village of sand, damaged non -residential premises and infrastructure facilities were damaged. There are no victims as a result of the attacks.
Details: It is reported that at night the defenders of the sky were knocked down over 7 hostile “Shahaned”.