“Russian Telegram channels report that the target of the drones could be the Smolensk Aviation Plant”, — write: www.radiosvoboda.org
He reported on the work of air defense in Smolensk and urged locals to “avoid open spaces.”
Officially, local authorities have not reported any hits in the region. Russian Telegram channels write that the target of the drones could be the Smolensk Aviation Plant. The Shot channel also announces a possible attack on the Yartsevo oil refinery.
Read also: Russia: drones again attacked an oil depot in the Voronezh region
The editorial staff of Radio Liberty cannot independently verify these statements. The Ukrainian command did not comment on them.
On the evening of January 20, the governor of the Voronezh region, Oleksandr Gusev, announced the attack of drones on an oil depot in the region.
Since the start of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, Russian regions have regularly come under shelling and drone attacks. The Ministry of Defense of Russia reports on downed missiles and drones over the territory of Russia. Kyiv mostly does not comment on these messages.