September 30, 2024
The Russian Army uses a heavy flamethrower system and anti-aircraft missiles near the aggregate plant in Vovchansk - ZSU thumbnail
Ukraine News Today

The Russian Army uses a heavy flamethrower system and anti-aircraft missiles near the aggregate plant in Vovchansk – ZSU

“The aggregate plant does not have a certain tactical purpose for the Russians”, but the loss of this object was “a very powerful image blow” for them”, — write:

Russian troops are trying to use a heavy flamethrower system and drop anti-aircraft missiles at the location of the Vovchan Aggregate Plant, the spokesman of OTU “Kharkiv” Vitaly Sarantsev said on the air of the telethon.

“They (Russian military – ed.) are currently trying to apply in that location (aggregate plant in Vovchansk – ed.) the maximum range of weapons. They use both a heavy flamethrower system and drop anti-aircraft missiles,” the spokesman said.

According to him, “the situation on the territory of the Vovchansk Aggregate Plant after its liberation by units of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Military Intelligence Service is the most tense and difficult due to the fact that the enterprise has become the number one target for the enemy.”

The spokesman of OTU “Kharkiv” added that “the aggregate plant does not have a certain tactical purpose for the Russians”, but the loss of this facility was “a very powerful image blow” for them.

Earlier, on September 24, the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense announced that its units had liberated the Vovchan Aggregate Plant from Russian troops.

On August 9, the defense forces informed that near Vovchansk in the Kharkiv region, the Russian army was preparing for assaults in the area of ​​an aggregate plant and a multi-story building.

Subsequently, on August 25, the operational-tactical group “Kharkiv” announced that Russian military personnel remain at the aggregate plant in Vovchansk, Kharkiv region, they have been blocked for several months.

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