“Kyiv police have identified the participants in the video, which shows young people blocking traffic in the city center and listening to Russian music. Source: Kyiv police, video from social networks Details: On January 10, a video appeared on Telegram channels with the participation of a group of young people who block traffic on the streets of Kyiv for their own entertainment and also listen to Russian music.”, — write: www.pravda.com.ua
Kyiv police have identified the participants in the video, which shows young people blocking traffic in the city center and listening to Russian music.
Source: Kyiv police, video from social networks
Details: On January 10, a video appeared on Telegram channels with the participation of a group of young people who block traffic on the streets of Kyiv for their own entertainment and also listen to Russian music.
The police found young men who blocked the road in Kyiv and were listening to Russian music
Video from social media pic.twitter.com/7vybKFFWST— Ukrainian truth ✌️ (@ukrpravda_news) January 10, 2025
In the afternoon, the Kyiv police reported that they were identifying the persons who were probably blocking traffic in the center of the capital.
In the evening, law enforcement officers identified all participants in the video.
Literally police: “One of the participants had previously appeared in similar videos using Russian music. He was prosecuted under Article 436-2 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, and the court decided to sentence him to probation for one year.
After the completion of the verification, the actions of each of the six participants will be given a legal assessment.”