““According to operational data, on January 3, 2024, during the assault on the positions of Ukrainian troops near the village of Vremivka in the Volnova district, the occupiers captured two servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The prisoners were taken out of the dugout under machine gun fire and shot at close range in the head.””, — write: www.radiosvoboda.org
“According to operational data, on January 3, 2024, during the assault on the positions of Ukrainian troops near the village of Vremivka in the Volnova district, the occupiers captured two servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The prisoners were taken out of the dugout under machine gun fire and shot at close range in the head. To be sure of their death, the enemy fired a few more shots,” the message reads.
The investigation is being conducted under the article on the commission of a war crime that caused the death of people.
Shooting prisoners of war is a violation of the Geneva Conventions and is classified as a grave international crime.
Earlier today, ombudsman Dmytro Lubinets reported that there is information about the alleged shooting of three Ukrainian prisoners of war on January 3 near the settlement of Neskuchne, Volnovasky district, Donetsk region.
Reports of murders, torture and ill-treatment of Ukrainian prisoners of war are regularly reported. According to the OGP, as of October, Ukrainian law enforcement agencies had information about the murder of at least 93 Ukrainian prisoners of war by Russian soldiers.
As reported on October 4 by the representative of the OGP, Yurii Belousov, 80% of the executions of Ukrainian prisoners of war were recorded in 2024, but the trend began to appear in November 2023, when “there were changes in the attitude of Russian servicemen towards our prisoners of war for the worse.”
The American Institute for the Study of War (ISW) said it was observing an increase in the number of executions by the Russian military of Ukrainian prisoners of war, and stressed that Russian commanders likely “connived, encouraged or directly ordered” the executions.