““If such cases were that these experts have already fallen infantry, then, accordingly, the decision of the Air Force Commander was returned back after the analysis””, – WRITE: www.radiosvoboda.org
According to him, it happened after the ban on the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Alexander Sirsky to transfer servicemen of scarce specialties, including aviation.
“If such cases were that these experts have already fallen infantry, then the decision of the Air Force commander was returned back after the analysis. Because they went before the announcement of these prohibitions by the Chief Committee. And indeed, a commission was created, the commission was collected (Data – Ed.)there were call centers, where people went either in writing or in a telephone form, recorded appeals and these people were sent back to air forces, ”said Yuri Ignat.
He did not name the number of military transferred because it was closed information, but noted that the General Staff identified a certain number of military people who should replenish other troops due to the difficult situation at the front. At the same time, Ignatu acknowledged that the transfer of servicemen to infantry was “not too pleasant news” for the Air Force.
“Because we have to give different experts who have been dedicated all their lives to the same Kharkiv University of Air Force, which are experts. Whether it is simply accepted servicemen, security company and so on. Usually, these categories are more directed. The transfer continued after the commission, but was the decision? To ban the sending of scarce specialties, that is, highly qualified specialists who are operators of anti -aircraft missile systems, aviation techniques, or those who have been trained abroad on these systems … This has certain consequences and may have, perhaps, in the future, in order to get us more qualitatively in the further air forces.
In December 2024, the British edition of The Guardian, citing two sources in air defense units, wrote that the deficit on the front became so sharp that the General Staff of the Armed Forces ordered the air defense units to release more people to send them to the front as an infantry.
And in January 2025, military from the Armed Forces of Ukraine recorded a public appeal directly in the hangar against the aircraft and declared mass transfer of aviation engineers to infantry, which is part of the Land Forces. They stated that everyone can shoot, and without aviation equipment there would be no one to repair planes.