“The main flag of Ukraine was temporarily removed in Kyiv due to the threat of stormy winds. In Kyiv, the state flag was removed from the 90-meter flagpole due to the forecast of strong winds of up to 28 m/s. The 16×24 m canvas was dismantled to prevent its damage.”, — write on: unn.ua
“The main flag of Ukraine has been removed in the capital due to the forecasted bad weather. According to the forecasts of the Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center, strong wind gusts of 25-28 m/s (II level of danger, orange) will be expected in Kyiv on December 16,” the message reads.
According to the “Kyivzelenbud” association, in order to avoid damage to the canvas, the flag was removed until the weather conditions improve.
For reference
The height of the flagpole on Pechersky Hills in Kyiv is almost 90 m, its weight is 32 tons, and the size of the canvas is 16 by 24 m.