“The Kyiv teenager from the scandalous video was suspected of possessing a weapon The police announced that a 17-year-old Kyivan, who appeared in provocative videos, was suspected of illegal possession of a firearm. The teenager faces up to seven years in prison.”, — write on: unn.ua
Kyiv police reported suspicion of illegal possession of weapons by a minor who appeared in provocative videos. The police started criminal proceedings and searched two minors, during which a weapon and ammunition were found and seized from one of them
According to the results of the examinations, the confiscated pistol belongs to firearms. Therefore, the investigators of the Pechersk police department announced to the 17-year-old boy that he was suspected of 1 Art. 263 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. The sanction of the article provides up to seven years of imprisonment.
We will remind
The other day, a video of a group of minors blocking traffic in the city center and listening to Russian music was circulating in the capital’s Telegram channels. The police identified the persons from the scandalous videos.
The Kyiv police searched the apartments of two minors who were involved in a scandal due to publications on social networks.
The scandalous videos where teenagers allegedly blocked a street in Kyiv and were allegedly escorted by the police are legal. The boys themselves are not the majors they tried to pretend to be, and one of the participants in the scandalous video was already prosecuted last year when he walked the streets of Kyiv and sang the Russian national anthem.