““The Kremlin did not receive what he wanted.” After Istanbul negotiations, Trump answered Putin with a blow to the Russian Federation – Klochok on February 28, 12:23 Share: US President Donald Trump (photo: carl court/pool Via Reuters) He continued sanctions against the Russian Federation for another year, because Washington failed to negotiate with Moscow in Istanbul. Valery”, – WRITE ON: ua.news
US President Donald Trump (photo: Carl Court/Pool Via Reuters)
The Head of the Center for Public Analytics Valery Klochok told Radio NV that US President Donald Trump continued sanctions against the Russian Federation for another year because Washington failed to negotiate with Moscow in Istanbul.
I regard this exactly as Trump’s response to the negotiations that took place in Istanbul.
The absence of statements personally for me indicates that Russia did not receive what she wanted, namely what he really screamed [міністр закордонних справРФ Сергій] Lavrov the day before [щоРФ не відмовляється від окупації чотирьох українських областей і Криму]. The American side said clearly: Russia should make concessions.