“The editor -in -chief of The Atlantic Jeffrey Goldberg said he was accidentally added to a closed chat in Signal, where Donald Trump’s administration was discussed by Yemen on March 15.”, – WRITE: www.pravda.com.ua
Source: “European Truth” with reference to the material of the publication
Details: According to Goldberg, on March 11 – four days before the American blows in Yemen – he received a request from a user named Michael Volt, the names of Trump Advisor on National Security.
Having accepted the request, the journalist was called “Houthi PC Small Group” (PC – Principals Committee, so in the United States denote a group of national security officials).
It had only 18 people, including accounts written on behalf of Pentagon Pitt Hegset, Secretary of State Marco Rubio, head of Tulsea Gabbard National Intelligence Head, CIA Director John Retcliffe, Trump’s advisor Steve Vitcoff and more.
Further correspondence in the group contained details of planning and discussing the strike of US troops on Yemen, which took place on March 15. Of the details that were there, the editor -in -chief of The Atlantic concluded that the group was real.

Photo: The Atlantic
The same information was indirectly confirmed by a spokesman for the US National Security Council Brian Guz, who said that the administration was studying how a random number was added to the group.
The Atlantic surveyed lawyers believe that Volz’s actions may be a violation of US law governing national defense information.
In addition, Trump’s adviser has established a self -destruction mode for separate messages that contradict the federal law that obliges to store all text reports of administration officials.
It should be noted that the US Presidential Administration is zealous about the sources of information of journalists in the federal government.
Last week alone, Trump Adviser Ilon Musk openly threatened the Pentagon staff who could have leaked information that the technology billionaire had to get a briefing about the US potential war with China.
- On March 15, US President Donald Trump ordered “powerful hostilities” against Hussites in Yemen and threatened Iran for supporting Hussites.