“The case of the ex-head of the Accounting Chamber has been referred for a new appellate review – the SAPC Cassation Criminal Court of the Supreme Court canceled the decision of the Appeals Chamber of the Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry in the case of illegal possession of an apartment. The case of the ex-head of the Accounting Chamber and two other persons was sent for a new appeal.”, — write on: unn.ua
In particular, the Cassation Criminal Court of the Supreme Court partially satisfied the cassation appeal of the prosecutor of the SAPS, annulled the decision of the Appeals Chamber of the VAKS and referred the case for a new consideration to the Appeals Chamber of the VAKS,
The SAP notes that in the course of the pre-trial investigation, sufficient evidence was collected, which confirms that the specified persons, by abusing their official position, took possession of state property, namely, an apartment worth almost UAH 1.4 million (prices as of the end of 2013) by prior conspiracy.
By the verdict of the State Chamber of Commerce and Industry dated April 6, 2023, the ex-chairman and member of the Accounting Chamber and her nephew were found not guilty of the criminal offense provided for in Part 5th century 191 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, in connection with the absence of a criminal offense in their actions.
The Appeals Chamber of the VAKS left this decision unchanged.
Disagreeing with the specified decisions of the judges, the SAP prosecutor will file a cassation appeal with the Supreme Court.
We will remind
Expert Oleh Posternak revealed the details of the scandals at VACS, including the massive failure of IQ testing among judicial candidates. The facts of the luxurious life of judges and dependence on NABU-SAP were also revealed.