“The procedure of conscript for military service during mobilization is irreversible”, – WRITE: www.radiosvoboda.org
The court considered the case on the lawsuit of a serviceman who appealed the actions of the district territorial center of acquisition and the military unit regarding his conscription. The plaintiff claimed that his rights were violated due to the non -medical examination before mobilization.
The courts of first and appeal agreed with the plaintiff and obliged the military unit to release him from service. However, the Supreme Court stressed that this method of protection does not restore the violated right, since the recruitment procedure has already taken place and could not be canceled.
In addition, the Supreme Court noted that the non -medical examination is not evidence of the plaintiff’s unfit for military service and is not a ground for dismissal from military service in accordance with Article 26 of the Law of Ukraine “On Military Duty and Military Service”. Thus, the decision of the previous courts was declared false.
Earlier in the Land Forces, it was argued that all existing violations from the CCC and JV did not remain “without proper assessment and control” – each case provides a proper legal assessment with all the sanctions that provide for the current legislation of Ukraine.
In the Ukrainian information space there are reports of scandals between the employees of the Tax Code and citizens on the streets of cities and villages. Negative mobilization information is rapidly spreading social networks.