September 20, 2024
State Water Agency: pollution of the Desna River reached Kyiv region thumbnail
Ukraine News Today

State Water Agency: pollution of the Desna River reached Kyiv region

According to Hopchak, Kyiv residents should not worry about the quality of drinking water”, — write:

As of September 15, the stain of pollution moving along Desna has already reached Kyiv region, the head of the State Water Resources Agency of Ukraine, Ihor Hopchak, said on the air of the telethon.

“At the moment, the pollution has reached 336 km from the confluence of the Desna River, that is, it is already in the Kyiv region between the villages of Litki and Rozhny. But the main concentration of pollution is in the Chernihiv region between the villages of Oster and Maksym,” Hopchak emphasized.

He noted that experts began to record the first signs of a change in the color of the water and the level of turbidity in Desna in the Kyiv region.

According to Hopchak, Kyiv residents should not worry about the quality of drinking water, because specialists of “Kyivvodokanal” take all measures to prevent dirty water from entering the homes of citizens.

“On Friday, 120 tons of activated carbon arrived, which will be used for additional water purification. Additional boom barriers were also delivered, and the necessary reagents are available. That is, “Kyivvodokanal” can remove both the smell and the organic matter, the residents of Kyiv will be provided with drinking water of the appropriate quality,” said the representative of the State Water Agency.

On August 27, the State Agency of Ukraine for the Development of Land Reclamation, Fisheries and Food Programs reported that large-scale pollution of the Seim River was caused in Russia. The pollution spread throughout the water area of ​​the Seim River within the Sumy Region and reached Chernihiv Oblast.

In four communities of the Konotop district of the Sumy region and in the Baturyn community of the Chernihiv region, bathing, fishing and the use of water for economic needs were prohibited.

Information was also received from the Regional Office of Water Resources in the Sumy Region regarding the deterioration of the water condition in the Seim River, which is a left tributary of the Desna River. In particular, it was about the pollution of the water that moves downstream of the Sejm, as well as about the death of fish in it

“In order to prevent a negative impact on the health of the population, the Kyiv Regional Commission of TEB and NS recommends not to use the water of the Desna River, to prohibit swimming and fishing in the Desna, as well as the use of river water for economic needs and watering livestock,” the post reads.

The press service of the Kyiv City State Administration also noted that the water supplied to the homes of Kyiv residents is safe.

It is noted that specialists of “Kyivvodokanal” constantly take water samples both at the stage of water intake and at all stages of water preparation.

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