September 20, 2024
"Smog in the capital arose for other reasons": in "Forests of Ukraine" they deny the deterioration of air quality due to fires in forestry in the Kyiv region thumbnail
Ukraine News Today

“Smog in the capital arose for other reasons”: in “Forests of Ukraine” they deny the deterioration of air quality due to fires in forestry in the Kyiv region

“Smog in the capital arose for other reasons”: “Forests of Ukraine” denies the deterioration of air quality due to fires in forestry in the Kyiv region “Forests of Ukraine” State Enterprise has stated that all fires on the territories of the state enterprise in the Kyiv region have been eliminated. Smog in the capital arose for other reasons, and air quality deteriorated due to other factors.”, — write on:

In the Kyiv region, all fires on the territories of the state enterprise “Forests of Ukraine” have been eliminated, and the smog in Kyiv arose for other reasons, the State Enterprise “Forests of Ukraine” announced on Friday, reports UNN.

“All fires have been extinguished on the territories of the State Enterprise “Forests of Ukraine” in the Kyiv region: the smog in the capital arose for other reasons!” – reads the message of the State Enterprise “Forests of Ukraine” on Facebook.

As noted in the company, air quality has significantly deteriorated, the pollution index has increased to 150 points.

It was recommended to limit being outside, especially for people with chronic diseases.

Specialists predict that the situation will improve in a few hours, the company added.

Currently, all fires have been extinguished and localized on the territories of the branches of the State Enterprise “Forests of Ukraine” in the Kyiv region. The largest cells this week were in Ivankivska and Vyshchedubechanska branches. The total area of ​​extinguished fires was 202 hectares.

You can’t see the other side of the capital: what does Kyiv look like, covered in smoke from fires in the ecosystemSeptember 20, 2024, 06:53 • 4519 views

However, they pointed out that it is not excluded that ignition will occur on the plots of other forest users near the capital. Forest protection teams continue to be on duty.

Also, this morning, employees of the Boryspil branch of the State Enterprise “Forests of Ukraine” discovered a new ignition. The reason is the work of our air defense against enemy drones. The fire was localized on an area of ​​0.10 ha. The situation is under control, there is no threat to the forests, the company emphasized.

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