September 24, 2024
Regardless of what is in Putin's head: what is known about Zelensky's Victory Plan thumbnail
Ukraine News Today

Regardless of what is in Putin’s head: what is known about Zelensky’s Victory Plan

Regardless of what’s on Putin’s mind: what is known about Zelensky’s Victory Plan The President of Ukraine will present a 5-point “Victory Plan” in Washington. The plan envisages strengthening Ukraine regardless of Russia’s position and includes military aid, economic steps and diplomatic pressure.”, — write on:

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi is on a several-day official visit to the United States. And the culminating event of this visit should be the presentation of the mysterious plan, which has already been dubbed “Zelensky’s Victory Plan”. UNN figured out what is known about this plan and exactly what points it may contain.

Without taking into account the mood of Putin For the first time, the head of state spoke about the Victory Plan at this year’s press conference for the Independence Day of Ukraine. Also, from Zelensky’s interview with CNN, which was recorded already in September, it became known that the Plan contains four main points, as well as a fifth point, which probably relates to the reconstruction or maintenance of lasting peace, because, according to the President, it will needed after the war.

The cornerstone idea of ​​the Plan is probably that its implementation does not depend on the will or reluctance of the Russian dictator.

This is a very specific plan on how to strengthen Ukraine without any decisions or pressure from Russia. This plan does not depend on any decisions of (Russian dictator Vladimir — ed.) Putin

A similar thesis was voiced by the head of the Office of the President Andriy Yermak:

“This plan is about how to create an atmosphere and a situation where it will be possible to ignore what is in Putin’s head. And so that Russia is really forced to sit down at the negotiating table and accept the end of this war on terms that are acceptable to Ukraine. And our conditions are clear – everything is described in President Zelenskyi’s Peace Formula”.

The Kremlin promised to study Zelensky’s victory plan September 23, 2024, 11:29 am • 48251 views

Yermak later also added that Ukraine’s invitation to NATO is part of the Victory Plan, and called on partners not to heed threats of escalation from Russia.

Clear, but still mysterious steps The President and his team have repeatedly emphasized that the Plan contains clear steps to ensure a just peace. The Plan is also presented as a way to fully implement the previously announced Peace Formula (it should be recalled that it contains 10 points: radiation and nuclear safety; food security; energy security; release of all prisoners and deportees (including kidnapped Ukrainian children); implementation of the UN Charter and restoration of the territorial integrity of Ukraine and the cessation of hostilities; prevention of escalation of the war).

The President also stated that the Plan is designed for quick decisions by partners from October to December.

As we have already indicated above in total in the 5 point Victory Plan. Regarding the four main ones, there is a certain clarity brought by the Office of the President: military aid to Ukraine, economic steps, diplomatic pressure on the aggressor and “political coercion of Russia”.

Mykhailo Podolyak, adviser to the OP chairman, revealed to some extent the details of each of these points:

  • the military package, which will be clearly structured in accordance with today’s stage of the war and the analysis of what is happening in the Kursk region from the point of view of the use of domestic weapons;
  • Russia’s pathetic coercion, which consists in the fact that Ukraine independently chooses its role in the global political process and has the right to be a member of any alliance. The demands of some third countries should not influence the opinion of others;
  • an economic incentive to force Russia to adequately perceive reality. This concerns the increase of significant investments in military production on the territory of Ukraine, as well as the audit of sanctions that work against a terrorist country;
  • diplomatic pressure on Russia. This step is a separate topic, as it requires working with the countries of the neutral zone, which do not realize that Russia is destroying the international law within which they can dominate and be able to form other alliances.

He also added that this plan is a clear understanding of “what tools are needed, in what quantity and how much it costs, in order to be able to properly finalize this war.”

Already after Podolyak’s statements, the British edition of The Times published its version of the Victory Plan. According to British journalists, the plan includes:

  • the request for Western security guarantees, similar to the pact on mutual defense concluded within the framework of NATO membership;
  • continuation of the operation of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Kursk region in order to have a “territorial trump card”;
  • request for “specific” modern types of weapons;
  • international financial assistance to restore the destroyed economy of Ukraine.

British journalists believe that Zelensky wants to secure American support for Ukraine from Donald Trump.

At the same time, one of the interlocutors of the Times emphasized that the freezing of the war “certainly cannot be the basis for negotiations.”

Bloomberg agency also voiced certain messages that are probably included in the Plan. In particular, according to their information, the Plan (in addition to the already confirmed insistence on Ukraine’s membership in NATO) contains the US’s commitment to the continuous supply of modern weapons to Ukraine – which in a certain way correlates with the thesis voiced by The Times that the President of Ukraine wants to maintain American support even if Trump comes to power in the USA.

The Victory Plan is expected to be presented to US President Joe Biden on September 26 in Washington. Candidates for the post of President of the United States, Kamala Harris and Donald Trump, will also familiarize themselves with the Plan.

Ukraine’s victory plan is designed to support Biden – ZelenskyiSeptember 22, 2024, 17:40 • 34320 views

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