“According to the evidence base of the Security Service of Ukraine, the Office of the Prosecutor General and the Finnish law enforcement agencies, the court of this country sentenced him to life imprisonment, Jan Petrovsky, who committed war crimes in Ukraine.”, – WRITE: www.pravda.com.ua
Source: SBU press service
Details: The sentence was announced by the presiding judge of the Helsinki District Court.
The SBU notes that this is the first case in the history of Finland, when a Russian citizen was convicted of committing military crimes against Ukraine.
According to the case file, Jan Petrovsky (also known as Voislav Torrden) is involved in the murder of 22 Ukrainian military and severe injury to four more soldiers of the Armed Forces in the fall of 2014 in Luhansk region.
After that, the attacker was photographed against the background of the bodies of the dead and tortured servicemen of Ukraine.
Then the Russian was part of the sabotage and intelligence assault group “Rusich” of the 2nd Army Corps of the Southern Military District of the Russian Federation.
While in the post of deputy commander of a hostile group, Petrovsky participated in the battles against the forces of anti -terrorist operation in eastern Ukraine.
On July 20, 2023, the Finnish police detained the Russian at the Helsinki Airport.
Further, the National Bureau of Investigation of Finland, together with the SBU and OGP, began a joint investigation into Petrovsky’s military crimes.
Ukrainian law enforcement officers provided Finnish partners with comprehensive assistance in investigating this case. In particular, investigative actions with the victims and witnesses were carried out, and additional forensic examinations were initiated.
SBU literally: “The joint work of law enforcement officers of Ukraine and Finland allowed to collect sound evidence of Petrovsky’s fault and to impose a real term of punishment.
This was the precedent in international justice, which once again proves the inevitability of punishment for the murder of Ukrainians.
The SBU continues cooperation with foreign partners to hold all persons involved in crimes against Ukraine. ”