“On the right in water. Scientists have realized why Mars Red surface March 6, 05:30 To share: earlier believed that a red tint is associated with dry iron oxide (photo: pixabay) Author: Kira Borisikhin The question of why Mars has a characteristic red color, worried scientists for centuries. Read also: Amazing discovery. On Mars found ancient beaches a new study gives a convincing explanation of this phenomenon by linking”, – WRITE ON: ua.news
Previously believed that the red tint is associated with dry iron oxide (photo: pixabay)
The question of why Mars is characterized by red, worried scientists for centuries.
A new study gives a convincing explanation of this phenomenon, associated with the presence of a certain mineral formed in water -rich media. This conclusion is confirmed by data from orbital apparatus and rockers, as well as laboratory experiments that mimic the conditions on the planet’s surface.
Earlier, it was believed that the red tint is associated with dry iron oxide, but the analysis of the composition of the dust indicates the presence of another mineral, ferridritis, which is formed at low temperatures and in conditions of high humidity. This discovery suggests that there could be conditions that are favorable for the preservation of liquid water on the surface. Researchers say that the winds that carry the particles of this compound throughout the planet have formed the characteristic color of Mars.
The use of advanced methods of spectral analysis made it possible to clarify the mineral composition of the dust cover, and laboratory experiments confirmed the conformity of the reflective properties of the samples with the data obtained from the surface. These results make it possible to look at the climate past and chemical processes that took place on the planet billions of years ago.
Although these conclusions open new horizons in the study of Mars, the final confirmation can only be obtained after delivery of soil samples to the ground. Future missions will allow to study the origin of mineral compounds more deeply and their possible connection with the potential population of the planet.
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