December 22, 2024
Mostly without precipitation, sometimes up to 9° of heat: forecast for December 18 thumbnail
Ukraine News Today

Mostly without precipitation, sometimes up to 9° of heat: forecast for December 18

Mostly without precipitation, in some places up to 9° of heat: forecast for December 18 December 18 in Ukraine will be mostly cloudy with clearings, in some places light rain and sleet. The temperature at night is from +6 to -2°, during the day to +9°, there is ice on the roads in some places.”, — write on:

Today, December 18, it is cloudy with clearing in most regions of Ukraine. sometimes up to 9° heat. This is reported by “Ukrhydromettsenter”, writes UNN.

Light rain and sleet are expected in the eastern, northeastern, at night and in most of the western and central regions. No precipitation in the rest of the territory,


In the east, northeast of the country and in the Carpathians, there is ice on the roads in some places.

The wind is north-west, 7-12 m/s. Gusts of 15-20 m/s in places at night in most regions, during the day on the Left Bank.

The temperature in the west and south of the country is 1-6°C at night, 4-9°C during the day; in the rest of the territory at night from 3° heat to 2° frost, during the day 0-5° heat.


In the Kyiv region, it will also be cloudy with clearings, but without precipitation.

The wind is north-west, 7-12 m/s, in places in the region gusts of 15-20 m/s.

The temperature at night is from 3° heat to 2° frost, during the day 0-5° heat; in Kyiv at night 0-2° heat, during the day 2-4°.

Skating rinks that can be visited this year in KyivDecember 2 2024, 11:18 • 112030 views

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