September 20, 2024
Meteorologists set another temperature record in Kyiv thumbnail
Ukraine News Today

Meteorologists set another temperature record in Kyiv

On September 16, the minimum air temperature in Kyiv turned out to be the highest for that day, and according to the climatic norm, it corresponds to the beginning of August”, — write:

Another temperature record was recorded in Kyiv, the Borys Sreznevsky Central Geophysical Observatory reports on Facebook.

According to the observations of meteorologists, the minimum air temperature in Kyiv on September 16 turned out to be the highest for that day, because it did not drop below 17.5 degrees Celsius. The previous record value of 1955 was exceeded by 0.9 degrees.

The observatory notes that according to the climatic norm, this air temperature corresponds to the beginning of August.

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SEE ALSO: Meteorologists: the summer of 2024 became the second record on record – after 2010

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