September 20, 2024
Lubinets appealed to the ICRC and the UN regarding the execution of a Ukrainian prisoner of war by the Russian Federation thumbnail
Ukraine News Today

Lubinets appealed to the ICRC and the UN regarding the execution of a Ukrainian prisoner of war by the Russian Federation

Cases of the execution of Ukrainian prisoners of war by the Russian Federation were previously reported”, — write:

Dmytro Lubinets, the Verkhovna Rada Commissioner for Human Rights, announced an appeal to the International Committee of the Red Cross and the UN due to another execution by the Russian Federation of a Ukrainian prisoner of war.

“Another war crime – the Russians executed with a sword an unarmed Ukrainian prisoner of war with his hands bound with tape. The level of barbarism and bloodthirstiness is unfathomable. Such actions are a gross violation of the Geneva Convention on the Treatment of Prisoners of War! How much longer will the world watch as Russia openly shows contempt for any norms and laws?” – he wrote in a telegram.

The ombudsman said that he sent letters to international organizations, the ICRC and the UN, so that they record another violation of human rights by Russia.

Separately, Lubinets emphasized that such show executions are aimed at demoralizing Ukrainian society.

Cases of the execution of Ukrainian prisoners of war by the Russian Federation were previously reported, in particular in the reports of international organizations.

The Prosecutor General’s Office reported that as of April, 27 criminal proceedings are being investigated for the execution of 61 Ukrainian prisoners of war.

The report of the UN Monitoring Mission on Human Rights in Ukraine, published on March 26, indicated that Russia continues to torture and execute Ukrainian prisoners of war.

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