September 20, 2024
Latvia has banned the use of Russian in ATMs thumbnail
Ukraine News Today

Latvia has banned the use of Russian in ATMs

On Thursday, the Seimas of Latvia adopted in the final reading amendments to the Law on Credit Institutions, which provide for a ban on the use of the Russian language in ATMs of Latvian commercial banks.”, — write:

On Thursday, the Seimas of Latvia adopted in the final reading amendments to the Law on Credit Institutions, which provide for a ban on the use of the Russian language in ATMs of Latvian commercial banks.

As reported by Ukrinform, this was reported by Delfi.

In the future, ATMs should be configured in the Latvian language. They can also be configured in the official languages ​​of EU and Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) member states or candidate countries.

These amendments, it is claimed, will ensure the availability of cash for residents throughout Latvia.

The amendments also provide for minimum requirements for a customer of a credit institution to be able to withdraw cash from his account.

23% of everyday payments – cash. It must be possible to withdraw money.

Read also: Latvia expressed Russia’s categorical protest in connection with the UAV found in the east of the country In Latvia, non-cash payments are increasingly used as the main payment method. However, despite the growth of cashless payments, cash remains relevant. According to the Bank of Latvia’s “Payment Radar” survey, in February 2024, cash payments accounted for an average of 23% of everyday payments.

The Ministry of Finance explains that the importance of cash availability increases in situations where payment systems are not available, but at the same time the infrastructure for cash withdrawals is significantly reduced. In recent years, the number of branches of credit institutions and settlement centers where you can get cash has significantly decreased in the country.

As reported, the Seimas of Latvia in the second, final reading adopted amendments to the Law “On Road Traffic”, which will introduce a ban on vehicles registered in Belarus from being in the country from November 1.

Photo: Pixabay

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