September 30, 2024
Insidious and karmically complicated: the astrologer spoke about the solar eclipse that awaits us this week thumbnail
Ukraine News Today

Insidious and karmically complicated: the astrologer spoke about the solar eclipse that awaits us this week

Insidious and karmically complicated: the astrologer told about the solar eclipse that awaits us this week. On October 2, the last solar eclipse of the year will take place. Astrologer Ksenia Basilenko spoke about its influence on well-being, international relations and personal life of people.”, — write on:

On Wednesday, October 2, we will pass through the last eclipse of the year – a solar eclipse that will take place in the sign of Libra. About what this event will bring especially for readers UNN professional astrologer Ksenia Basilenko said.

“This week, a very important event of this year will take place – a solar eclipse. It will take place on October 2 at 21:46 Kyiv time in the sign of Libra. This will be the last eclipse of this year and the end of the period of eclipses,” the astrologer said.

Bazilenko explained that it is necessary to prepare for the eclipse: to put things in order both at home and in business, to get rid of unnecessary things, as well as internal and external negativity, to sum up the results of completed tasks.

“During a solar eclipse, well-being deteriorates significantly, especially with regard to cardiovascular activity. People may experience a deterioration in their mental state, and the level of crime and accidents also increases during these periods,” the astrologer said, noting that the time period is close to the solar eclipse. usually accompanied by natural disasters.

Also, it is during such a period that important, fateful decisions can be made at the international level.

“A solar eclipse always occurs during the new moon period and it always leads to the renewal of our forces and energies. This period lays down events for the next six months. It is important at this moment to be in a kind and harmonious attitude towards yourself and the environment. This is especially related to the characteristics of this eclipse. It is necessary to work with plans and desires at the moment of eclipse. To do this, light a candle, pray or meditate, and write about your true desires for the future, thereby creating new tasks for yourself,” the astrologer advised.

Solar eclipse horoscope”Traditionally, at the time of a solar eclipse, the Sun and the Moon are in conjunction, as well as in conjunction with any of the karmic nodes. This time with the Ketu node, which represents past karma. Mercury and the black Moon will be in this conjunction , which symbolizes fears, negative karmic programs and temptations.

Such a number of planets connected to the node of Ketu’s past indicates that humanity has accumulated a lot of complex negative karma, which can now spill out on us,” Basilenko believes.

She also said that the sign of Libra, in which the eclipse will take place, represents the balance and equilibrium of this world, relationships between people.

“Especially in a partnership. But the presence of the Black Moon there will disrupt this harmony,” the astrologer added.

According to her, both at the time of the eclipse and in the following six months, the Black Moon will bring with it many illusions, fears, and inner experiences. The presence of Mercury in this connection will bring lies and difficulties in understanding what is happening.

“It is important for all of us during this period to maintain purity of thoughts, harmonize communication and find a common language with everyone,” the astrologer believes and adds that this eclipse is “insidious and karmically complex.”

According to the astrologer, this period will show us that it is time to pay the bills and reveal the problems that have accumulated. Long overdue conflicts may appear in politics. Old secret conspiracies and betrayals may come to the surface, and new ones may emerge.

“At the time of the eclipse, in addition to the connection I mentioned, there will be a tense aspect to Mars, which will only exacerbate the situation. It will be quite difficult for us to come to an agreement with anyone, and military events may continue. During this period, it is extremely necessary for leaders to be diplomatic and tolerance. In general, this applies not only to politicians, but to each of us. You should not believe other people’s promises, and you need to be careful with your promises, so as not to get into trouble,” Basilenko said.

According to the astrologer, this eclipse is very important for a country like Israel because it coincides with the Jewish New Year. Events related to Israel can become very significant for the whole world.

During this eclipse, it is important to pay attention to your inner development, rely on your strength and take responsibility for your actions. The astrologer believes that during this period it is extremely important to maintain prudence, carefully analyze information, make informed decisions and, having set a goal, move towards it.

“The auxiliary configurations that are in the horoscope of this eclipse are the sextile of Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. This is quite a long evolutionary and developmental indicator, the results of which we can see after 2027. It indicates that we are all one and that that outdated programs are being replaced by new, evolutionary ones. Big changes are coming, and in what direction depends on us,” the astrologer summed up.

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