“On Monday, December 2, cloudy and clear weather is expected in Ukraine, without significant precipitation.”, — write: www.ukrinform.ua
The Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center informed Ukrinform about this.
The temperature during the day is from 3° of frost to 2° of heat; in the west and south of the country – 1-6° of heat.
No significant precipitation is forecast in Kyiv and Kyiv region. The temperature in the capital during the day is 0-2° of heat, in the region from 3° of frost to 2° of heat.
In the next two days, dry weather will remain in Ukraine. Wind of variable directions, 3-8 m/s.
The temperature at night and during the day is from 4° of frost to 1° of heat (5-10° of frost at night in the Carpathians, 1-6° of heat in the southern part and western regions during the day, up to 10° in the Crimea).
In the capital region, on December 3-4, it will be cloudy with clearing, without precipitation. The temperature in Kyiv at night and during the day is 0-2 degrees of frost; in the region at night and during the day from 4° of frost to 1° of heat.
Read also: In most areas – fogwithout precipitation According to forecasts of forecasters, there will be no precipitation in Ukraine on December 5, only in the afternoon in the western regions a little wet snow. December 6 in Ukraine, except for the eastern regions, at night and in the southern part, sleet and rain.
The temperature at night and during the day is from 3° of heat to 3° of frost, in the south of the country during the day it is 1-7° of heat.
No precipitation in Kyiv and the region on December 5; December 6 wet snow. The temperature in the capital at night is 1-3 degrees below zero, during the day it is around 0 degrees. In the Kyiv region, at night and during the day, it is from 2° of heat to 3° of frost.