“As of 1:50 am March 5, danger mode in the Kiev region, capital and most regions of the South, Center, North and East of Ukraine continues”, – WRITE: www.radiosvoboda.org
“Windows are knocked out in a multi -storey apartment building. There was a fire at one of the enterprises. All relevant services are involved in elimination of consequences. There are no pre -victims of the population, ”the authorities informs, adding that” the attack of enemy UAV is ongoing. ”
As of 1:50 at night, March 5, the danger regime in the Kiev region, the capital and most regions of the South, Center, North and East of Ukraine continues.
Russian military regularly from various weapons – UAVs, missiles, booths, RSSUs – attacked Ukrainian regions.
The Russian leadership denies that during a full -scale war, the Russian army causes purposeful strikes in the civilian infrastructure of cities and villages of Ukraine, killing civilian populations and destroying hospitals, schools, kindergartens, energy and water supply.
Ukrainian authorities and international organizations qualify these strikes as war crimes of the Russian Federation and emphasize that they are purposeful.