“In the Chinese Oceanarium, the sturgeon attacked an animator 22-year-old Russian animator suffered from a large fish attack during a performance in the Xishuangbanna aquarium. The girl was injured in the head and eye.”, – WRITE ON: Unn.ua
22-year-old Maria sailed among large marine creatures during the performance, when suddenly one of the fish, probably sturgeon, grabbed the girl by her head. Frightened viewers, including many children, witnessed the incident.
Thanks to instant reaction and decisive actions, Masha managed to escape from the paws of dangerous fish and float to the surface. However, she has injuries – headache, neck and damaged eye. Glasses and nasal clamps that were part of her suit ate the fish.
Despite injuries and pain, the 22-year-old animator was forced to continue the performances.
The occupiers brought animators from the Mosconta01.01.25, 04:47 • 28471 View