“In India, at least 15 individual Hindu pilgrimage of the Kumbh mela was killed in the religious festival in the city of Pravagrad, at least 15 people have been killed in a crush. The incident happened at night near the arena of the ascetic during the holy bath.”, – WRITE ON: Unn.ua
Passes UNN with reference to AFP.
At least 15 people have been trampled in Praharadzh, a city in northern India, where the Kumbh-Mela Hindu Pilgrimage Pilgrimage takes place.
The Kumbh-Mela is a great religious event, presented as the largest human gathering on the planet, gathers crowds of Indois Faiths every 12 years who bathe in the merger of two sacred rivers to wash away their sins.
It is expected that by February 26, Kumbha Mel’s Hindu Pilgrimage will attract 400 million believers in a total of 400 million.
The tragic incident the day before
The crush happened between the first and second hours of the night (19: 30-20: 30 after Greenwich on Tuesday) near the arena of the ascetic, where the barricades were built to restrain the crowd during their holy bathing. This was told by Yoga Adityanat, Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh, where the city of Praharadzh is located.
The AFP photographer, attended by the scene, saw the ambulance teams taken away many victims and covered with blankets, in some cases they were in an inert state.
Prime Minister Naandra Modi in a post on X expressed his condolences to “loyals who lost their loved ones”, but did not specify the death toll.
“The local administration helps the victims in every possible way,” he said.
The Kumbha Mel festival also recorded other deadly episodes. In 1954, more than 400 people were trampled or drowning in just one day.
67 people, including 35 children, were killed in three Christmas charity events in Nigeria. Tragedies occurred in the states of Oyo, anambra and the capital Abudzh because of insufficient precautions.
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