“The Ministry of Defense has launched a new survey in the Army+Army application application regarding the attitude of defenders and defenders to military service. Source: Deputy Minister of Defense for Digitalization Kateryna Chernnoroenko, quoted by the press service of the department, “Ukrainian Truth” of Chernihnorenko Direct Language: “From” Army+”we have proved that changes in the army are possible.”, – WRITE: www.pravda.com.ua
Source: Deputy Minister of Defense on Digitalization Kateryna Chernnoroenko, quoted by the press service of the department, “Ukrainian Truth”
Direct Language Chernororenko: “From” Army+”we have proven that changes in the army are possible. It is only necessary to share the opinion. Today I have started an important survey in which I urge to participate, as it will directly influence the reforms. This is a great opportunity to highlight the problem and start systematically correct it.”
Details: It is noted that after 16 issues, the Main Department of Response to Crisis Situations (GRUKS) plans to identify the main problems of servicemen and priority issues that need to be addressed. The survey will last three weeks. All answers are fully anonymous, promised in Mow.
According to the UP, in the survey, in addition to the age, the soldiers are asked in what way they were in the army, how long the service lasts, which they spent the longest period of time in the war zone without recovery, etc.
Also, on a scale of 1 to 5, the soldiers, in particular, are asked to assess the level of psychological support, the quality of the BZVP, the attitude of the direct commander to the personnel, the timeliness and sufficiency of providing weapons and ammunition, the provision of transport in the unit, the provision of tactical medicine in the unit.
Reference: In total, 11 polls were conducted in the application from the start of the Army+work, which collected more than 200,000 answers. On average, about 20,000 users respond to questions that are raised in the application. The most popular was the survey on the development of the Pros for Support Program of Support. He was passed nearly 45,000 soldiers.