““I’m a slave of my passions.” As a philosopher Isaia Berlin explained what democracy is based on and how it can slip into authoritarianism on March 10, 21:46 NV Premium to share: thinker Isaiah Berlin, 1970s (Photo: Lucinda Douglas-Menzies / NPG London) But the Execution of the UK Embassy in the USSR Isaiah Berlin has argued that there were two freedoms in the world. His concept became”, – WRITE ON: ua.news
The thinker Isaiah Berlin, 1970s (Photo: Lucinda Douglas-Menzies / NPG London)
The British-Latvian historian, philosopher and exclusive of the UK Embassy in the USSR Isaiah Berlin has argued that there are two freedoms in the world. His concept was the basis for defining modern democracy and explaining how free societies are formed.
“Freedom is always at the center of politics, at the center of our personal life, always boils during debates in various forms, but always means different things for different people, ”said the philosopher Isaia Berlin during his lecture at Oxford University in 1958, which later turned into two concepts of freedom.
The phenomenon of this thinker is that he was not so much a book as brilliant lectures and speeches. In preparation for the speech, he wrote almost nothing and went out to the podium without paper. His improvised lectures did not have a pre -prepared scenario, and the publications were printed thanks to stenographers who recorded and then decrypted the speech. And every time Berlin’s speech, which is considered one of the founders of contemporary liberal political philosophy, was read as a clear and carefully planned book.