March 9, 2025
I am a man in the war, not in the "Soviet" army. History of 26-year-old Hero of Ukraine Ivan Black thumbnail
Ukraine News Today

I am a man in the war, not in the “Soviet” army. History of 26-year-old Hero of Ukraine Ivan Black

On March 14, 2022, Poltava Ivan Black had to fly from Wroclaw, where he lived for three years, to Paris. He planned to declare a beloved girl in the most romantic city in the world.

Fate decided differently. On March 14, 2022, Black swore allegiance to the Ukrainian people in Poltava.

Hepi-end did not happen in a relationship with the girl, but the idea for the call sign appeared. In March 2022, Ivan watched the series “Paper House”, one of the heroes of which was called Berlin. “We have similar love stories with him. Therefore, he chose to be a call sign” Berlin “– says the UP Black.


In three years of the Great War, it has changed several combat units and many military specialties. Berlin participated in the battles in the hottest directions of the front. In October 2023, during a shooting battle in Avdiivka, a 25-year-old Senior Soldier, Black, destroyed nine Russians, took five more captives. For this he received the title of Hero of Ukraine.

We met with Ivan in the center of Kiev. He recently joined the 412th Regiment of the Nemesis. He is currently studying in the capital before leaving for combat missions.

Ivan Chorny told “Ukrainian Truth”, as he got to the army in March 2022, why at the front he had to be at the same time a aero-intelligence officer, Saper and a stormwoman, for which a special operation received the title of Hero of Ukraine, who is most annoying in the Ukrainian army, and how he treats “motivational” contracts for young people.

Wroclaw – Lviv – Kyiv – Poltava On the morning of February 24, 2022, Ivan Black gathered things, changed Zloty in the hryvnia and went to Ukraine with 22-year-old friend Maxim. In the evening, the boys came to Lviv.

– How to get to Poltava? – asked Ivan at the cashier at the Lviv Station.

– Guys, did you read the news in general? Through Kyiv you will not reach, the Russians there are all capture, She replied.

Friends decided to get to the capital, and there is already a matter of understanding what to do next. The next day, during the curfew, they arrived in Kiev.

Initially, the boys seemed to fall into a new reality from heaven. Ivan approached the police officer and carefully asked: “Can I go to McDonald’s to buy something?”. The man looked at the guy as a weirdo and cut off: “You’re what, abnormal, what McDonald’s? Everything is closed”.

Almost immediately after arrival in Poltava, where his relatives live, Black went to the shopping center to join the Armed Forces. Ivan was recorded in the queue and told to expect a call. He waited for two weeks.

– Max and I even wanted to pay someone to take us in the army. It was in charge: they came to fight, and we do not want to take anywhere. In mid-March, we still managed to get into the 116th Brigade of Terroborons. Free, – laughs the guy.

 Berlin: I did not sign a contract with the Armed Forces. Managed to “resolve” and mobilize

All photos in material from the personal archive of Ivan Black

Before the beginning of the Great War, Ivan categorically did not want to connect his life with the army because he did not accept the “Army”.

– I am a fighter in the war, not a person in the Soviet Army. I always say older by the title: Mights – OK, and all that concerns the army for*march or lilac – sorry, write reprimand, but I will not take part in this participation, He explains.

Read also: I was ready to pay the VLK to recognize me suit. Cyborg’s story of a hammer that defended DAP and today is fighting on a prosthesis

Aero -intelligence – sapper – river About a year, Berlin served in the rear – guarded military units, duty on checkpoints. It was first increased in the military rank before participating in hostilities.

– I was given a “senior soldier” in Poltava. Honestly, I do not understand what merit. Perhaps for being a good boy, – Berlin jokes.

In parallel, the military was preparing to work in the fields: they learned to shoot, disassemble and collect vending machines, run long distances.

– We even won one of the competitions in the brigade. Received “prize” – “journey” in Bakhmut, Laughs black.

Prior to the Great War, Ivan often traveled to Europe. In 2023-2024, his “tourist” routes were mostly landings of Donetsk region.

Berlin received his first experience of shooting fights in January 2023 in the village of Paraskovka. A small group of Ukrainian fighters entered the settlement under tank and mortar shelling. For most military, it was the first combat experience. Then it was possible to keep the village.

– In 12 days we seem to have only 15 “three hundred” and three dead. This is despite the fact that there were very intense street battles in the village – not with anyone, but with “Wagner”– recalls the fighter.

According to the staffing of the brigade, Ivan was Saper, but had to perform various tasks.

– Whatever the position when the task arrives, it must be accomplished, or someone has “sought” – it is necessary to run the situation.

On October 13, 2023, I was an air intelligence officer, the 15th-Saper, and 19th-a storm. In a week changed a bunch of specialties– says the senior soldier.

 Ivan Black: I was a “Phukhotin” Saper for about a year-from March 2023 to January 2024. He changed positions in Marinka, St. George, Mikhailivka. There a lot of Russian technique exploded

Hero of Ukraine On October 19, 2023, one of the massive Russian storms took place in Avdiivka. The shooters did not stop.

In order to stop the advance of the Russians, the sappers of the 116th brigade have to replace the travel lane in the field in the direction of Krasnogorivka. On the morning of October 20, Ivan Black, along with two brothers, went to perform the task.

After the assault, there were many Russian infantrymen left in the field. They hid behind the beaten equipment, in the shells of the shells. Initially, the assault group of the Armed Forces had to knock the Russians, then Berlin with his brothers would put mines in the lane.


But Black decided not to waste time and not wait for the assault group. Four Russian infantrymen hid from him about 20 meters away. At first, Berlin eliminated three of them. The brother helped Ivan to “understand” the fourth.

Black continued movement in the direction of the strip, where the mines were to be put.

– I was past and cast mines in front of me in films about World War II. Such a pleasure: everything whistles over their heads, the balls fly, the Russians are lying around. On the road he destroyed three more, – The senior soldier remembers.

At the same time, he first captured an enemy who convinced: “I am my own!”.

– I forced him to undress into the pants, because he was wearing knives, sharpening everywhere. Even in the sole, some sharpened rods were. Dressed him in the clothes of a utility that was in our positions, – says black.

Not far from the scene stood the Russian APC. The prisoner said that in the armored personnel carriers hides “his friend – Romka”, who wants to give up.

When it was dark, the black, along with the brother and captive Russian, went to pick up this APC. There was no one near the equipment. Black hoped that only Romka was hiding in the armored personnel carrier, he came close, hit the machine and said that then and came out. Berlin heard voices.

– I didn’t understand how many of them. But he was aware that only two of us and the Russian in the shorts and sweatshirts of the communal. We are 200 meters from our positions right in the middle of the field.

Immediately began to improvise to name different names, to give commands – to create a feeling that many of us. Then he said to throw away weapons and climb. They did not want to, “Either a grenade inside – and you all” two hundred “or get out”, “ – says black.

The Russians threw weapons and climbed out of the armored personnel carrier.

– Did you Round us in two and this pants? – one of the captives of the Russians asks confusedly.

– Yes, – answers Berlin.

– for*fight, – sighs the Russian.

In total, October 20 was captured by five Russian military. All of them were from the 15th Motorial Brigade “Black Hussars”, which is considered “elite” in Russia.


– Don’t shake your fingers and hands, – one of the Russian invaders pleaded on the approach to Ukrainian positions.

– Are you in general? What are your fingers? What are your hands? – Black was surprised.

– Did not Nazis, not Bandera? Asked the prisoner.

– Are you driven? I’m with TRO at all, Said Ivan.

– And what is TR? The invaders said carefully.

– If we were not given weapons, we would have been chasing you on the field with forks, – black laughed.

Ukrainian soldiers sat with captive Russians in positions until the morning until they were taken away. Some of them told that he came to fight in Ukraine to make money, some – to get out of prison. By the morning, they showed Ukrainian soldiers on the map, where they are their equipment behind Krasnogorivka. Subsequently, these locations were confirmed – the Armed Forces worked on them.

-The commander of the 116th brigade arrived in the morning, goes to us in the basement. Four Russians sit in shape, and one in the utility suit. Kombrig says, “Okay, with these clearly, “Storm Z”. And this is exactly the Russian or did you get a communal from Luke in Pokrovsk and grabbed for the quantity? ” (laughs).

What their fate was not interested. But very much hope they are not in Ukraine and we do not feed them with their taxes now, – says black.

 Ivan Black: I am against the bullying of captives, though the Russians are the masots. On the battlefield – we destroy everyone with weapons in our hands. But in captivity it is a death. We are against this fighting

In less than a week, Berlin received a video greeting from the then Commander -in -Chief of the Armed Forces Valery Zaluzhny and learned that he would “get an asterisk” at the assault in Avdiivka. However, he did not believe it immediately.

– I think – what kind of hero am I? It was very unexpectedHe recalls his emotions at that moment.

The President signed a decree on the assignment of Berlin the title of Hero of Ukraine on June 28, 2024.

“Edelweiss” – Rehabilitation – “NEMESIS” In January 2024, Ivan Black switched to the 10th mountain and assault brigade “Edelweiss” because he wanted to learn to work with drones. But immediately after the transfer, he was in a hospital with a pressure of 190/110. After the examination, the doctor sent the military for psychological rehabilitation to Poltava.

– In the future, psychological problems will be many of the military, in particular because of a sense of injustice. There will also be many fools who will walk and say, “We have not sent you to war.” So does not have to be, – says black.

After treatment, which lasted more than two months, the VLK found Berlin only in the rear units. But he did not even look at this option.

– I am not interested in it. I want to “scare” on the front, – the fighter emphasizes.

In “Ten” he worked as a drone operator on the front for almost a year.

 Berlin: I dumped on the occupiers of the fugas, fragments and all that was possible

But in February 2025, Ivan moved to the 412th Regiment of the Unmanned NEMESIS systems, because he did not find a common language with a new command of his company of reconnaissance and reconnaissance UAVs.

– We dropped 10% on the “mouth” every month from the “combat” – on the accessories for drones, other needs of the unit. This is a normal phenomenon. Money always went to the work. And after the company management has changed – on comfortable conditions for the new command.

In fact, we dropped for a good dwelling, which did not even go for combat. Is that ok? This is inadequate. If the boys were outraged – they are immediately Translated into infantry, – says black.


Motivation – nepotism – “combat” Berlin is now 26 years old. At the time he joined the Armed Forces, he was 23.

– What do you think about trying to motivate young people financial “pivots”? – I ask Ivan.

– Why do everyone think that a million is a space amount? Yes, it’s a plus. It would be good if everyone received such an incentive. But, believe me, everything that happens at “zero” does not cost ten million. You just put your life at the horse.

Some say that the fighters on the front line and so get a lot of money. But not everything is as perfect as it seems. A lot of money from the wages of infantry spent on transport, ammunition, drones, He replies.

With “combat” payments, too, not all smooth, adds black.

– From his own experience – when he was on the rotation at “zero”, he received fewer “combat” than people who sat at the team point 20 kilometers from Slavyansk, – Ivan shares.

In his opinion, the problem is that commanders are often placed on “fatty” positions of their godparents, matchmakers, brothers, friends who decide how many premiums they will receive.

– I am sure that by the end of the war on the booths of these commanders, the medal will have anywhere. Because how is everything going? Some technique is amazed – who is young? Commander! – Berlin considers. – And on the contrary: to protect and provide all the necessary ordinary soldiers, who for weeks perform combat missions at “zero”, sit in trenches, where neither eat, nor buy, none hell. ”

Read also: A million contract. Will the money help to strengthen the army and what is not so much with the motivational project for young people

Trump – War – Politics While in Washington, they are concerned that Ukraine “has no cards on their hands”, watches the war “in the part” and stop military assistance, battles on the front do not stop.

– I do not pay attention to what Trump carries, I need to fight. With or without Trump – you have to fight for your country. They did not lower your hands in 2014 and 2022, it is definitely not necessary to do it in 2025.

Without American help it will be very difficult. But in the twelfth year of the war we should already understand that we need to export everything at the expense of our strength and technology, – emphasizes the Hero of Ukraine with the call sign “Berlin”.


Usually, at the end of the portrait materials, I add details to support the units where the characters serve. Ivan Black refused such a proposal.

He asked to publish a brief appeal to businessmen:

“Our unit does not need to give money. It is better to buy us drones and we will show the result on the battlefield.”

If you can help 412 of the regiment of unmanned the purchases of drones, write Ivan Black.

Angelina Strushkulich, UP

”, – WRITE:

On March 14, 2022, Poltava Ivan Black had to fly from Wroclaw, where he lived for three years, to Paris. He planned to declare a beloved girl in the most romantic city in the world.

Fate decided differently. On March 14, 2022, Black swore allegiance to the Ukrainian people in Poltava.

Hepi-end did not happen in a relationship with the girl, but the idea for the call sign appeared. In March 2022, Ivan watched the series “Paper House”, one of the heroes of which was called Berlin. “We have similar love stories with him. Therefore, he chose to be a call sign” Berlin “– says the UP Black.


In three years of the Great War, it has changed several combat units and many military specialties. Berlin participated in the battles in the hottest directions of the front. In October 2023, during a shooting battle in Avdiivka, a 25-year-old Senior Soldier, Black, destroyed nine Russians, took five more captives. For this he received the title of Hero of Ukraine.

We met with Ivan in the center of Kiev. He recently joined the 412th Regiment of the Nemesis. He is currently studying in the capital before leaving for combat missions.

Ivan Chorny told “Ukrainian Truth”, as he got to the army in March 2022, why at the front he had to be at the same time a aero-intelligence officer, Saper and a stormwoman, for which a special operation received the title of Hero of Ukraine, who is most annoying in the Ukrainian army, and how he treats “motivational” contracts for young people.

Wroclaw – Lviv – Kyiv – Poltava On the morning of February 24, 2022, Ivan Black gathered things, changed Zloty in the hryvnia and went to Ukraine with 22-year-old friend Maxim. In the evening, the boys came to Lviv.

– How to get to Poltava? – asked Ivan at the cashier at the Lviv Station.

– Guys, did you read the news in general? Through Kyiv you will not reach, the Russians there are all capture, She replied.

Friends decided to get to the capital, and there is already a matter of understanding what to do next. The next day, during the curfew, they arrived in Kiev.

Initially, the boys seemed to fall into a new reality from heaven. Ivan approached the police officer and carefully asked: “Can I go to McDonald’s to buy something?”. The man looked at the guy as a weirdo and cut off: “You’re what, abnormal, what McDonald’s? Everything is closed”.

Almost immediately after arrival in Poltava, where his relatives live, Black went to the shopping center to join the Armed Forces. Ivan was recorded in the queue and told to expect a call. He waited for two weeks.

– Max and I even wanted to pay someone to take us in the army. It was in charge: they came to fight, and we do not want to take anywhere. In mid-March, we still managed to get into the 116th Brigade of Terroborons. Free, – laughs the guy.

 Berlin: I did not sign a contract with the Armed Forces. Managed to “resolve” and mobilize

All photos in material from the personal archive of Ivan Black

Before the beginning of the Great War, Ivan categorically did not want to connect his life with the army because he did not accept the “Army”.

– I am a fighter in the war, not a person in the Soviet Army. I always say older by the title: Mights – OK, and all that concerns the army for*march or lilac – sorry, write reprimand, but I will not take part in this participation, He explains.

Read also: I was ready to pay the VLK to recognize me suit. Cyborg’s story of a hammer that defended DAP and today is fighting on a prosthesis

Aero -intelligence – sapper – river About a year, Berlin served in the rear – guarded military units, duty on checkpoints. It was first increased in the military rank before participating in hostilities.

– I was given a “senior soldier” in Poltava. Honestly, I do not understand what merit. Perhaps for being a good boy, – Berlin jokes.

In parallel, the military was preparing to work in the fields: they learned to shoot, disassemble and collect vending machines, run long distances.

– We even won one of the competitions in the brigade. Received “prize” – “journey” in Bakhmut, Laughs black.

Prior to the Great War, Ivan often traveled to Europe. In 2023-2024, his “tourist” routes were mostly landings of Donetsk region.

Berlin received his first experience of shooting fights in January 2023 in the village of Paraskovka. A small group of Ukrainian fighters entered the settlement under tank and mortar shelling. For most military, it was the first combat experience. Then it was possible to keep the village.

– In 12 days we seem to have only 15 “three hundred” and three dead. This is despite the fact that there were very intense street battles in the village – not with anyone, but with “Wagner”– recalls the fighter.

According to the staffing of the brigade, Ivan was Saper, but had to perform various tasks.

– Whatever the position when the task arrives, it must be accomplished, or someone has “sought” – it is necessary to run the situation.

On October 13, 2023, I was an air intelligence officer, the 15th-Saper, and 19th-a storm. In a week changed a bunch of specialties– says the senior soldier.

 Ivan Black: I was a “Phukhotin” Saper for about a year-from March 2023 to January 2024. He changed positions in Marinka, St. George, Mikhailivka. There a lot of Russian technique exploded

Hero of Ukraine On October 19, 2023, one of the massive Russian storms took place in Avdiivka. The shooters did not stop.

In order to stop the advance of the Russians, the sappers of the 116th brigade have to replace the travel lane in the field in the direction of Krasnogorivka. On the morning of October 20, Ivan Black, along with two brothers, went to perform the task.

After the assault, there were many Russian infantrymen left in the field. They hid behind the beaten equipment, in the shells of the shells. Initially, the assault group of the Armed Forces had to knock the Russians, then Berlin with his brothers would put mines in the lane.


But Black decided not to waste time and not wait for the assault group. Four Russian infantrymen hid from him about 20 meters away. At first, Berlin eliminated three of them. The brother helped Ivan to “understand” the fourth.

Black continued movement in the direction of the strip, where the mines were to be put.

– I was past and cast mines in front of me in films about World War II. Such a pleasure: everything whistles over their heads, the balls fly, the Russians are lying around. On the road he destroyed three more, – The senior soldier remembers.

At the same time, he first captured an enemy who convinced: “I am my own!”.

– I forced him to undress into the pants, because he was wearing knives, sharpening everywhere. Even in the sole, some sharpened rods were. Dressed him in the clothes of a utility that was in our positions, – says black.

Not far from the scene stood the Russian APC. The prisoner said that in the armored personnel carriers hides “his friend – Romka”, who wants to give up.

When it was dark, the black, along with the brother and captive Russian, went to pick up this APC. There would be no one near the technique Ooh. Black expected that only Romka was hiding in the armored personnel carrier, he came close, hit the machine and said that he got out. Berlin heard voices.

– I didn’t understand how many of them. But he was aware that only two of us and the Russian in the shorts and sweatshirts of the communal. We are 200 meters from our positions right in the middle of the field.

Immediately began to improvise to name different names, to give commands – to create a feeling that many of us. Then he said to throw away weapons and climb. They did not want to, “Either a grenade inside – and you all” two hundred “or get out”, “ – says black.

The Russians threw weapons and climbed out of the armored personnel carrier.

– Did you Round us in two and this pants? – one of the captives of the Russians asks confusedly.

– Yes, – answers Berlin.

– for*fight, – sighs the Russian.

In total, October 20 was captured by five Russian military. All of them were from the 15th Motorial Brigade “Black Hussars”, which is considered “elite” in Russia.


– Don’t shake your fingers and hands, – one of the Russian invaders pleaded on the approach to Ukrainian positions.

– Are you in general? What are your fingers? What are your hands? – Black was surprised.

– Did not Nazis, not Bandera? Asked the prisoner.

– Are you driven? I’m with TRO at all, Said Ivan.

– And what is TR? The invaders said carefully.

– If we were not given weapons, we would have been chasing you on the field with forks, – black laughed.

Ukrainian soldiers sat with captive Russians in positions until the morning until they were taken away. Some of them told that he came to fight in Ukraine to make money, some – to get out of prison. By the morning, they showed Ukrainian soldiers on the map, where they are their equipment behind Krasnogorivka. Subsequently, these locations were confirmed – the Armed Forces worked on them.

-The commander of the 116th brigade arrived in the morning, goes to us in the basement. Four Russians sit in shape, and one in the utility suit. Kombrig says, “Okay, with these clearly, “Storm Z”. And this is exactly the Russian or did you get a communal from Luke in Pokrovsk and grabbed for the quantity? ” (laughs).

What their fate was not interested. But very much hope they are not in Ukraine and we do not feed them with their taxes now, – says black.

 Ivan Black: I am against the bullying of captives, though the Russians are the masots. On the battlefield – we destroy everyone with weapons in our hands. But in captivity it is a death. We are against this fighting

In less than a week, Berlin received a video greeting from the then Commander -in -Chief of the Armed Forces Valery Zaluzhny and learned that he would “get an asterisk” at the assault in Avdiivka. However, he did not believe it immediately.

– I think – what kind of hero am I? It was very unexpectedHe recalls his emotions at that moment.

The President signed a decree on the assignment of Berlin the title of Hero of Ukraine on June 28, 2024.

“Edelweiss” – Rehabilitation – “NEMESIS” In January 2024, Ivan Black switched to the 10th mountain and assault brigade “Edelweiss” because he wanted to learn to work with drones. But immediately after the transfer, he was in a hospital with a pressure of 190/110. After the examination, the doctor sent the military for psychological rehabilitation to Poltava.

– In the future, psychological problems will be many of the military, in particular because of a sense of injustice. There will also be many fools who will walk and say, “We have not sent you to war.” So does not have to be, – says black.

After treatment, which lasted more than two months, the VLK found Berlin only in the rear units. But he did not even look at this option.

– I am not interested in it. I want to “scare” on the front, – the fighter emphasizes.

In “Ten” he worked as a drone operator on the front for almost a year.

 Berlin: I dumped on the occupiers of the fugas, fragments and all that was possible

But in February 2025, Ivan moved to the 412th Regiment of the Unmanned NEMESIS systems, because he did not find a common language with a new command of his company of reconnaissance and reconnaissance UAVs.

– We dropped 10% on the “mouth” every month from the “combat” – on the accessories for drones, other needs of the unit. This is a normal phenomenon. Money always went to the work. And after the company management has changed – on comfortable conditions for the new command.

In fact, we dropped for a good dwelling, which did not even go for combat. Is that ok? This is inadequate. If the boys were outraged – they are immediately Translated into infantry, – says black.


Motivation – nepotism – “combat” Berlin is now 26 years old. At the time he joined the Armed Forces, he was 23.

– What do you think about trying to motivate young people financial “pivots”? – I ask Ivan.

– Why do everyone think that a million is a space amount? Yes, it’s a plus. It would be good if everyone received such an incentive. But, believe me, everything that happens at “zero” does not cost ten million. You just put your life at the horse.

Some say that the fighters on the front line and so get a lot of money. But not everything is as perfect as it seems. A lot of money from the wages of infantry spent on transport, ammunition, drones, He replies.

With “combat” payments, too, not all smooth, adds black.

– From his own experience – when he was on the rotation at “zero”, he received fewer “combat” than people who sat at the team point 20 kilometers from Slavyansk, – Ivan shares.

In his opinion, the problem is that commanders are often placed on “fatty” positions of their godparents, matchmakers, brothers, friends who decide how many premiums they will receive.

– I am sure that by the end of the war on the booths of these commanders, the medal will have anywhere. Because how is everything going? Some technique is amazed – who is young? Commander! – Berlin considers. – And on the contrary: to protect and provide all the necessary ordinary soldiers, who for weeks perform combat missions at “zero”, sit in trenches, where neither eat, nor buy, none hell. ”

Read also: A million contract. Will the money help to strengthen the army and what is not so much with the motivational project for young people

Trump – War – Politics While in Washington, they are concerned that Ukraine “has no cards on their hands”, watches the war “in the part” and stop military assistance, battles on the front do not stop.

– I do not pay attention to what Trump carries, I need to fight. With or without Trump – you have to fight for your country. They did not lower your hands in 2014 and 2022, it is definitely not necessary to do it in 2025.

Without American help it will be very difficult. But in the twelfth year of the war we should already understand that we need to export everything at the expense of our strength and technology, – emphasizes the Hero of Ukraine with the call sign “Berlin”.


Usually, at the end of the portrait materials, I add details to support the units where the characters serve. Ivan Black refused such a proposal.

He asked to publish a brief appeal to businessmen:

“Our sub There is no need to give money. It is better to buy us drones and we will show the result on the battlefield. “

If you can help the 412th Regiment of drone purchases, write Ivan Black.

Angelina Strushkulich, UP

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