“On January 23, in the Carpathian Mountains, Ukrainian border guards, together with rescuers, found a man who tried to cross the border illegally and get to Romania, but could not overcome the snow -covered mountain route.”, – WRITE: www.pravda.com.ua
On January 23, in the Carpathian Mountains, Ukrainian border guards, together with rescuers, found a man who tried to cross the border illegally and get to Romania, but could not overcome the snow -covered mountain route.
Source: State Border Service, SES
Literally Border Service: “A 24-year-old resident of Kirovohrad region intended to get into Romania illegally. To realize his plan he chose a high mountain border, though he could not overcome the planned path.”
Details: On January 23, at 2:30 pm, the State Emergency Service received a report about a exhausted man who was in the mountains near the village of Bogdan Rakhiv district, Transcarpathian region, near the state border.
Rescuers, together with the border guards, found a man 7 hours after the start of the search operation, just 10 meters from the border with Romania. According to the State Tax Service, the man was so frozen and exhausted that he could not speak. He was given first aid, dressed in warm clothes and drunk with hot tea. After that, it was handed over to doctors who were diagnosed with general hypothermia and dehydration. The man is in intensive care.
- In March 2024, border guards found a man in the Carpathian Mountains who wanted to cross the border illegally, but got lost and wandered there for three days.
- On December 25, Romanian rescuers stopped searching in the mountains in the border of three Ukrainians who asked for help after 12 hours of unsuccessful examination of the specified territory.
- On December 27, the border guards of the Chernivtsi detachment detained in the Carpathians 4 residents of Zaporizhzhya region, who tried to get to Romania illegally.