“In the coming days in most regions of Ukraine, dry and warm weather will remain. The temperature will rise to 5-10 ° heat in the afternoon, and in the Carpathian region – up to 17 °. Source: Interfax-Ukraine with reference to the data of the Ukrhydromet Center Details: on Tuesday in the northeast and east of the country at night and in the morning there is an ice.”, – WRITE: www.pravda.com.ua
Source: Interfax-Ukraine with reference to Ukrhydromet Center data
Details: On Tuesday in the northeast and east of the country at night and in the morning, ice is possible. The wind is predominantly western, 7-12 m/s, and in most areas (except south and Transcarpathia), gusts of 15-20 m/s are possible. The temperature will range from 3 ° to 2 ° frost at night, up to -8 ° in the Carpathians. In the afternoon, columns of thermometers will show 5-10 ° heat, in the east-0-5 ° heat.
There is also no precipitation in Kiev. Wind, 7-12 m/s. The temperature is 0-2 ° heat at night, 6-8 ° in the afternoon.
March 5 The weather will remain similar: without precipitation, the wind western 7-12 m/s, and in most regions (except Transcarpathia and Crimea), gusts of 15-20 m/s are possible.
The temperature at night again from 3 ° heat to -2 °, in the Carpathians to -8 °, and in the afternoon 5-10 ° heat, in the Carpathian region even warmer -12-17 °.
The capital will be without precipitation, the temperature at night 0-2 ° heat, in the afternoon 8-10 °.