“The Bab Director Competition is one of the most important personnel battles in 2025. And not only because the problem body is definitely needed. The public sector expects dramatically other approaches from the competition, as the procedure is prescribed more transparently and qualitatively than in other anti -corruption institutions.”, – WRITE: www.pravda.com.ua
Despite the announced conditions, the Babs still had the courage to submit candidates to which many questions arise: inaccurate declaration, fictitious divorces, unreasonable assets. In addition, luxury real estate, valuable property and extremely wealthy cohabitants.
Although 43 candidates were submitted for the competition, the commission was allowed to take only 30 of them to the next stage (testing). 13 candidates were refused due to failure to provide a complete package of documents for participation in the competition or lack of experience. However, they can still return to the competition if they appeal within 3 days and provide documents in support of compliance with the requirements of the competition.
In the meantime, 30 candidates are preparing for tests and interviews, we talk about those who are definitely not in Bab and to which the commission can have many questions.
Calbat and Lifhachi with divorce

By November 2024, Maxim Kalawat was headed by the Bab International Cooperation Department, before working in the National Police, and he was engaged in teaching.
And although his declaration does not abundant with a large amount of property, after divorce, his existence begins to acquire property. Tesla Model 3, Audi Q7, an apartment in the new LCD – almost all of which was purchased immediately after divorce, and the total value of the property reaches 8 million UAH, despite the fact that no savings had previously had a woman.
Thus, in February 2023, Kaptar divorces with his wife, and after 2 weeks she buys Tesla Model 3, the market value of which is at that time more than 800 thousand UAH.
A month later, an ex -official buys an apartment in Kiev with an area of 105 sq.m. The market value of such can reach UAH 5.7 million.
For clarity: the wife part with her husband, buys an apartment almost immediately and sends a former husband. Subsequently, he also buys Audi Q7 with a market value of $ 35,000, but registers for the same state number previously used by a former man.
It is strange when people who have officially broken marriage and ceased to be a family continue to live together in newly purchased homes and hand over registration numbers for different cars.
The commission may also have questions about an apartment issued by a candidate’s father in 2024. The market value of property is at least 1.7 million.
Gorbov: Cypriot House and Untworked Wive Business

Alexander Gorbov in the customs authorities almost all his life. Currently, the deputy chief of Cherkasy customs. He tried to realize in politics, in 2020 he ran for the Nikolaev city council from the party “for the future”, did not pass. He wants to go from customs to Beb to “protect the economic interests of the country.”
After all, his own economic interests seem to have already defended the candidate. In particular, this is evidenced by the asset of the Gorbov family – fresh real estate in Cyprus in addition to the previously declared property.
In particular, Oleksandr Gorubov states the right of free use of the house in Cyprus in the Declaration, which since December 2022 belongs to a foreign citizen Panayot Antreas. Interestingly, Panayot Antreas is the son of Alexander Gorbov. It is important that by 2019, when Gorbov declared his son, Panayot Antreas had no property, income and savings.
Gorbov plans to “protect economic interests” in Ukraine. Instead, the family systematically forgets to declare his wife’s income. At the same time, she openly told that she had her own beauty salon. Yes, the salon – in Nikolaev, in the declaration – only social payments of the wife and donated UAH 1.7 million from a third party, whose capacity is doubt.
In 2024, Elena Gorbova received 270 thousand UAH of grant within the framework of “Ebot” from the regional development agency of Poltava region for the development of a new business-a fitness studio.
Oleksandr Gorbov, as an official with many years of experience and a candidate for a top office in the country, should fill in the declarations more carefully.
In addition, obviously, in his spare time, Gorubov made alcoholic beverages and even in 2024 received a reward of the Ukrainian professional tasting competition for his corn whiskey. Gorbov activity from a regular hobby was different in that it created a separate website to promote alcohol brand and Facebook. The separation of the drink under its own name also gives grounds to state about certain Business Ambitions of Gorbov for the conquest of the alcoholic market of Ukraine. It remains only unknown how this activity combines with the public service and why Gorbov’s business has not been officially registered.
Borisenko: Communication with the Swinarchuk case and doubtful assets

Oleg Borisenko now manages the territorial management of Bab in Chernivtsi region and wants to head and “restart” all the bureau. Already in a motivational letter he notes that he plans to introduce “regular internal checks of employees and clear disciplinary procedures.”
In particular, Borisenko is well known to Borysenko. He earned his dubious reputation since working in NABU, where he wanted to be held disciplinary.
In 2019, Borisenko was to investigate the activities of “OptimumMSPECDETAL” in the famous corruption case of Swinarchuk and the scheme of theft of the defense budget. It was about the supply of goods of unknown origin to Ukroboronprom. The amount of equipment reached UAH 165 million, no more than 46 million UAH of taxes were received to the budget.
Instead, Borysenko personally signs the certificate that the downs is “clean” and is not included in the list of fictitious companies.
That is, it turned out that instead of investigating the scheme, the then deputy head of the unit of detectives Borisenko signed letters about the troubledness of one of the persons involved in the investigation. For such “correspondence” it was to be held disciplinary, but this did not happen. And the question is not in proving the innocence of Borisenko, but at the end of the limitation period. In particular, he noted this during an interview in another competition – on the head of the SAP.
The incumbent head of the Beb Terunation in Chernivtsi region also has a large amount of expensive real estate. For two with their wife, they have 9 objects with a total value of more than UAH 12.5 million.
Aslanov: Man To singer Solokha whose income does not indicate in the declaration

Maxim Aslanov, The head of the Beb department, took the last place in our rating of candidates with the highest income of loved ones. It happened not because of the low income of his wife – singer Solokha. The fact is that how much earned singer Solokha in 2023 we can only guess, I rely on her own comments. According to the singer, it receives about 50%from a fee of $ 2-3 thousand. If the candidate entered information about his wife’s income in the declaration, it may be what she would lead our rating.
Aslanov’s declaration also contains signs of false information, because the official did not indicate that the wife has corporate rights worth 1.5 million UAH, namely a 100 % share in LLC “Your Mother”.
Present in Aslanov’s biography and meetings with police. In September 2024, for the version of the Patrol Police Department, the candidate was drunk. He refused to pass the medical examination. However, during the court hearing, the Patrol Police Department did not provide a video of the event. Therefore, the proceedings were closed due to the lack of an offense.
And finally, in 2017, Aslanov was not adapted to the competition for the post of senior NABU detective due to mismatch.
Have not passed: whom the commission “squeezed” before the testing With regard to 13 candidates – the commission at the stage of verification of documents and compliance with qualification requirements has already decided that they were not in the Bab. The reasons are failure to provide a complete package of documents or lack the necessary experience in specialty or management experience.
The list of 13 people who received the refusals included: Ivan Bochan, Vasyl Volynets, Maxim Vovrul, Andriy Yefremov, Oleg Lozovy, Yuri Mayevsky, Alexander Mamro, Oleg Ladyak, Vladimir Sivokon, Mikhail Sintsov, Mikhail Titarchuk, Dmitry. They can be returned to the competition if the commission receives appeals and the necessary supporting documents by March 6 inclusive.
Our analysis demonstrates that some candidates for the commission will be even more if they return to the competition and reach the stage of verification. In particular, it is Mikhail Titarchuk and Alexander Mamro.
Titarchuk: Friends’ property, influential relationships and questions to integrity

Expirer of the head of the DPS and candidate for the post of director of Bab Mikhail Titarchuk In his motivational letter he notes that honesty, transparency and zero tolerance for corruption are an integral part of his professional activity.
Use fleet. For over eight years, Titarchuk has been using expensive cars that do not officially belong to him. Since 2016, he and his wife traveled to Land Rover Range Rover Sport 2013, owned by a third party – Vladimir Taran. In 2016-2019 declarations, this car was not mentioned for some reason.
In 2021, Titarchuk moved to the Toyota Camry 2021, which is again owned by Vladimir Taran. And in October 2024, his longtime acquaintance buys a new Volkswagen Touareg 2024, which costs at least UAH 2.9 million.
Alien real estate. In addition to cars, Vladimir Taran also owns land plots in Novi Petrivtsi, where in 2021 there were traces of construction. There were three real estate objects – a two -storey estate of 4888.5 square meters. m, another two-storey building, which was erected in 2018, and unfinished, which has been standing since 2017.

The market value of this real estate is estimated at more than UAH 24.7 million. Although it officially belongs to the ram, his connection with Titarchuk raises doubts about the real affiliation of this property.
It is interesting that in 2019 Taran also became the owner of the apartment on Sich Riflemen Street in Kiev, located directly opposite the head office of the State traffic police of Ukraine. Four months later, Titarchuk received the post of deputy chairman of the STS.
Relations with the President’s office and influential officials. In September 2021, journalists recorded Titarchuk among the guests at the celebration of Oleg Tatarov’s birthday – the deputy chairman of the OP, who was called the informal “curator” of the power block.
The purpose of a person with such connections can create serious risks to the independence of the organ. And most importantly – could a person who has been using another’s property for years without explaining the sources of income for years, to lead the body that should investigate financial crimes?
Mamro: Wealthy cohabitant, business with regionals and drunk driving

Oleksandr Mamro is a SETAM state enterprise and a candidate for the Bab Director. Questions arise not only about the origin of his property, the property of the cohabitant, but also, for example, to driving a car in a drunken state.
Over the past few years, Mamra’s cohabitant, Marta Kozhanov, has acquired valuable movable and immovable property at declared prices that are significantly lower than market prices. Two apartments in Kiev, several land plots and a house for 600+ squares near Kiev, a house and a plot in Ivano-Frankivsk region, Audi Q8 2020-the market value of property acquired by Kozhanova in 2020-2023, is at least $ 700 thousand. Existing sources of income of the mamra cohabitant can hardly explain the assets acquired.
In particular, the apartment in the elite LCD near the st. The Golden Gate, which the woman purchased in 2023. The declared value of the property – 8 times lower than the market: UAH 832 thousand instead of market UAH 6.8 million.
Earlier, in 2021, she bought an apartment of 181 sq.m. On the Obolonskaya embankment for $ 180 thousand and Audi Q8 2020. Although the price of the car in the declaration of Mamro decided not to indicate, the market value of such a car is $ 65 thousand.
Prior to that Kozhanov in 2020-2021, the land of 7500 sq.m. With a house located on it in the coniferous forest “Yarove tract”, near Kiev.
The house itself has not yet been put into operation and has an area of 370 sq.m. and the cost of 717 thousand UAH. However, according to the most conservative estimate, the cost of the house starts at least $ 370 thousand. At the same time, the actual area of the house is larger and is about 670 sq.m, and together with the adjacent area acquired by Kozanova earlier, the area of householding reaches a whole hectare.
Although Kozhanova appears in the mother’s declaration only in 2024, the connection between them is traced long before, because in 2019 the official noted that he had land in this location: three land plots of 2500 square meters. A year later, it was from Mamra Kozanov that he buys 28 thousand UAH for the plot. It is important that the candidate sell real estate is 7 times cheaper than he bought a few years ago. So he made a valuable gift to his cohabitant, in fact, rewrote some of the assets to a person not boo LA was specified in the declaration.
So, we have a question for the candidate for the probable false declaration, because for the first time the cohabitant appeared in the mother’s declaration only in 2024, and the property was issued in Kozhanov as if they were acquired before their cohabitation.
Interesting detail: in 2024 Kozanova worked at SE “Setam”, where she received wages and social payment in connection with pregnancy and childbirth. That is, the cohabitant worked under the control of the mother, which raises the issue of violation of the prescriptions of anti -corruption legislation related to the conflict of interest.
An important fact: Mamra’s former partner, Roman Ivanenko, manages companies related to the People’s Deputy from the Party of Regions/OPZG Vitaly Bort. It is his wife who is a co -owner of real estate where Mamro now lives.
In 2019, Mamro received an income of almost 1.5 million UAH from the company from the orbit of board “Yu. Dzh.ju” and “Standard Development”, where Romanenko is the director.
Well, for dessert: in 2015, Mamra was deprived of driving driver for drunk, in 2016 he got into an accident due to speed. In 2021, he was held accountable twice for traffic violations.
The competition for the post of director Bab should be a model of transparency and integrity. At the same time, fictitious divorces, problems with declarations, relationships with exregions, and even drunken driving stories raise serious doubts and require clear explanations.
If society expects a quality renewal of Babs, then the admission of persons with tarnished reputation to management positions should be categorically excluded. Otherwise, this competition is at risk of becoming another lost chance to purify power.
Martin Boguslavts
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