December 22, 2024
Christmas Eve and New Year. The weather forecaster made a forecast for the main winter holidays and named the day when it will be the coldest thumbnail
Ukraine News Today

Christmas Eve and New Year. The weather forecaster made a forecast for the main winter holidays and named the day when it will be the coldest

Christmas Eve and New Year. The weather forecaster made a forecast for the main winter holidays and called the day when there will be the most frost December 21, 05:23 Share: Weather in Ukraine for the main winter holidays (Photo: Seidenperle / pixabay) Author: Yuliya Petrova The weather will be slightly negative in the coming days, which the atmosphere will not give you the opportunity to go wild during the winter holidays. Forecaster Natalka Didenko, in an interview for”, — write on:

Christmas Eve and New Year. The weather forecaster made a forecast for the main winter holidays and named the day when it will be the coldest

December 21, 05:23

Weather in Ukraine for the main winter holidays (Photo: Seidenperle / pixabay)

Author: Julia Petrova

In the next few days, the weather will be slightly minus, which atmosphere will not give the opportunity to go out in full force during the winter holidays.

Weather forecaster Natalka Didenko, in an interview for NV radio, talked about all the nuances of the weather in the coming days, and also made a weather forecast for Christmas Eve, Christmas and New Year 2025.


— We remember the atypical beginning of winter, it was warm and humid, let me remind you. And what kind of weather awaits Ukrainians in the coming days?

— Everyone is very interested in the coming days, because they are not just the coming days, but Christmas Eve, Christmas and New Year. In all my practice, in all my experience, New Years, Christmas and Easter are always the top weather queries. Therefore, I want to say right away, first of all, tomorrow, hooray, finally, we have waited, tomorrow is the Winter Solstice. And this means that the sun will return to spring. Although they say that the sun is for spring or summer, and winter is for frost, I don’t see any such frosts. On the weekend, 21-22, and on Monday, 23, a slight cooling is expected. At night it is up to -1-5 degrees, and during the day it is still around 0, or even small pluses. The same weather will hold on Christmas Eve and Christmas, on December 24 and 25. And the air temperature will even rise, it will be around 0 at night, and from 3 to 6 degrees Celsius during the day. Looking ahead, which I hate to do, but preliminary forecasts say that both December 31st and January 1st will also be quite warm, without significant precipitation.

Read also:

Weather in Ukraine for Christmas 2024 (Photo: GoranH / pixabay) Christmas 2024. The forecaster reported what the weather will be like on the holiday and during the pre-Christmas days

— My daughter and I planned to make a snowman for the New Year, will we have such an opportunity, what about the snow in Kyiv?

— Oh, I’m afraid you’ll have to look for some other countries.

– Or to sculpt a mud man, that is also suitable.

— Yes, or a mud boy, so that you don’t have to sculpt him at all, maybe you can switch to some other cute activities that will be interesting to your daughter.

— Let’s go to the artificial ice rink, take a ride, that’s fine.

— Yes, there are artificial ice rinks, there is also artificial snow somewhere, I don’t know much about it now. But in Kyiv, I think, probably, it will not be possible to mold a snowman.

— Tell me, please, that it is not worth waiting for a sharp cold, did I understand correctly?

– Nothing sharp, none at all. As I already said, December 21, 22, 23 will get a little colder, on the night of Monday, it is scary to say, the air temperature can drop to -2−5 degrees of frost. This is the strongest that can be in the near future, until the end of the year, until the end of the month. No severe frosts, no chills, of course, this cannot help but please us. I, for example, do not like severe frosts at all, but considering the current situation, the war, turning off the heating, problems with energy, this weather absolutely favors Ukrainians, the atmosphere simply supports us from all sides.

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