September 25, 2024
AP: the President's Office named the condition under which Ukraine would agree to cease fire with the Russian Federation thumbnail
Ukraine News Today

AP: the President’s Office named the condition under which Ukraine would agree to cease fire with the Russian Federation

AP: the President’s Office named the condition under which Ukraine would agree to a ceasefire with Russia Zelenskyi’s advisers said that Ukraine would agree to a ceasefire if the Russian Federation could not invade again. Kyiv rejects proposals that would only suspend the war and give Moscow time to consolidate.”, — write on:

Kyiv may agree to a ceasefire with Russia if the Russian Federation can no longer invade Ukraine. The Associated Press writes about this with reference to Zelenskyi’s advisers, reports UNN.


The publication emphasizes that no international player capable of swaying Moscow has agreed to the 10-point Ukrainian peace plan, which provides for the complete withdrawal of Russian troops.

So, as the anonymous advisers of the President of Ukraine stated, Kyiv will agree to a ceasefire with Russia only if Putin’s ability to invade the country again is limited.

It is also noted that any other agreement will not benefit the future of Ukraine and will not honor the sacrifices of its people.

This will freeze the conflict, nothing more: the occupied territories are considered occupied. Sanctions against Russia remain. The intensity of the war is decreasing significantly, but it continues

Brazil promotes the Brazilian-Chinese plan for Ukrainian-Russian talks at the UN – ReutersSeptember 25, 2024, 10:18 am • 39260 views


In addition, the Associated Press explained that Ukrainian officials rejected the offers from China and Brazil, assuming that they would only suspend the war and give Moscow time to consolidate its army and defense industry.

One of the interlocutors explained that in this case, Moscow will readjust and attack again, probably from Mykolaiv and Odesa in the south.

Within two, three, four years, or perhaps even earlier, depending on the state of Russia. Here is the scenario

We will remind

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said that when some propose alternatives to ending the war, it not only ignores the interests and suffering of Ukrainians, but also gives Russian dictator Volodymyr Putin political space to continue the war and pressure the world to take control of more nations.

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