February 6, 2025
Anxious trend. The use of cannabis is associated with a splash of schizophrenia - Canadian study thumbnail
Ukraine News Today

Anxious trend. The use of cannabis is associated with a splash of schizophrenia – Canadian study

Anxious trend. The use of cannabis is associated with a splash of schizophrenia – Canadian study on February 6, 14:30 Share: Marijuana caused an increase in the number of cases of schizophrenia – a study Trend: Cases of schizophrenia associated with the use of cannabis in the Canadian province of Ontario over the last 17 years have almost tripled. The study conducted”, – WRITE ON: ua.news

Anxious trend. The use of cannabis is associated with a splash of schizophrenia – Canadian study

February 6, 14:30

Marijuana caused an increase in the number of cases of schizophrenia – a study of Canadian scientists (photo: pixabay)

Author: Kira Borisikhin

A new research published in Jama Network Open has found a worrying trend: cases of schizophrenia related to cannabis use in the Canadian province of Ontario in the last 17 years have almost tripled.

Research conducted by scientists from Ices, Ottawa Hospital, Department of Family Medicine of Ottawa University and the Research Institute of Health of Bruguer, showed that the proportion of new cases of schizophrenia associated with disorder caused by cannabis was used. up to 10% after cannabis legalization in Ontario.

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Data on visits to medical facilities were used to study all residents of Ontario aged 14 to 65 years of age who are entitled to general medical care (More than 13.5 million people). Scientists have monitored whether changes in the use of cannabis associated with new cases of schizophrenia were related to the liberalization of medical marijuana in 2015 and the legalization of non -medical marijuana in Canada in 2018.

“Regular use of cannabis is closely linked to the increased risk of schizophrenia, and one of the main issues of uncertainty related to cannabis legalization is the question of whether the number of new cases of schizophrenia will change,” says Dr. Daniel Malyran, Head of the Department of Social Research Responsibility at the University of Ottawa, an ICES researcher, a researcher at the Institute of Health Studies of Brugier and a researcher at the Ottawa Hospital. “We found that over time there is an alarming increase in the percentage of people with the first diagnosed schizophrenia, which before the diagnosis received the treatment of a disorder associated with the use of cannabis.”

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The study covered three periods of policy from 2006 to 2022: before legalization, after the liberalization of medical marijuana and after the legalization of non -medical marijuana.

During the study period of 10 583 (9%) Persons with a disorder associated with cannabis use developed schizophrenia compared to 80 523 (0.6%) people without such a disorder.

“Our research emphasizes the growing problem of public health care created by a combination of stronger stronger marijuana and growing regular use,” says Dr. Malyran.

The authors emphasize that the study does not decide on the current debate about whether the cannabis can be intensive to cause schizophrenia. However, the authors point out that the intense use of cannabis worsens the symptoms and prognosis for people living with schizophrenia and warn against the trends observed in the study.

“Tripping of cases of schizophrenia associated with a disorder associated with the use of cannabis over the last 17 years and the increase in the number of cases of psychosis emphasize the urgent need for targeted preventive strategies, especially for young people who are obviously at risk”, ” – says Dr. Miran.

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