“An unexpected bonus. Walking dogs is good for the elderly January 22, 05:30 Share: It turned out that people who walk dogs fall less often, maintain better mobility and suffer less from the fear of falling. (Photo: pixabay) Author: Kira Borysikhina A new study conducted in Ireland has revealed a surprising link between regular dog walks and the health of older people. It turned out that people who walk dogs less often”, — write on: ua.news
It turned out that people who walk dogs fall less often, maintain mobility better and suffer less from the fear of falling. (Photo: pixabay)
A new study conducted in Ireland has found a surprising link between regular dog walks and the health of older people.
It turned out that people who walk dogs fall less often, maintain mobility better and suffer less from the fear of falling.
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Scientists explain these results with several factors. First, walking the dog stimulates physical activity, which plays a key role in maintaining bone and muscle health, which, in turn, reduces the risk of falls. Secondly, communication with an animal and social contacts that occur during walks have a positive effect on a person’s mental state, increasing his self-confidence and reducing the level of stress.
A study found that people who walk their dogs regularly walk faster and more confidently on average than those who don’t have pets. In addition, they have 40% less falls and 20% less fear of them.
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These results have great implications for health care, especially in light of increasing life expectancy. Falls are one of the leading causes of hospitalizations and injuries among older adults. Therefore, finding effective ways to prevent falls is an urgent task for scientists and doctors.
Walking with a dog is a simple and affordable way to improve physical and mental health in old age. It not only helps to keep in good shape, but also promotes socialization and improves the quality of life.
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