September 24, 2024
After the "Scheme" investigation of the capital's high-ranking police officer, the National Police launched an official inspection thumbnail
Ukraine News Today

After the “Scheme” investigation of the capital’s high-ranking police officer, the National Police launched an official inspection

Earlier, the journalists said that the deputy head of the State Police Department of Kyiv lives in a two-level apartment in the capital residential complex, which belongs to his mother-in-law, who officially earned 100 hryvnias from 1998, and retired in 2014”, — write:

The National Police of Ukraine has launched an official investigation based on the facts from the investigation of the “Schemes” project (Radio Liberty) that Taras Polienko, the deputy chief of the Main Directorate of the National Police of Kyiv, lives with his family in a two-level apartment in a 220-square-meter residential complex in the capital, which belongs to his mother-in-law , which has officially earned 100 hryvnias since 1998, and retired in 2014. As the communications department of the National Police informed “Schems”, “according to the results of the official investigation, the materials will be sent to the relevant anti-corruption bodies.”

In an investigation published on September 18, Schemy said that Taras Polienko and his family moved into an apartment in a business-class residential complex in Kyiv in March 2022, as indicated in his declaration. In the same year, Polienko left the position of head of the police department in the River Port of Kyiv and assumed the position of deputy head of the capital’s Main Directorate. In the declaration, he indicated that the owner of the apartment is his mother-in-law Valentina Tkachenko.

According to data obtained by “Schemes” from sources in the tax office, Polienko’s mother-in-law officially earned 100 hryvnias since 1998. She retired in 2014, currently receives less than three thousand hryvnias per month. Her husband, that is, Polienko’s father-in-law, receives the same pension. All his official incomes for three years, excluding pension, according to the sources of “Scheme”, amounted to about 350 thousand hryvnias. That is, their official funds in total would not be enough to purchase this real estate in a residential complex.

In a comment to journalists, Polienko noted that he did not know the “circumstances of the purchase” of the apartment, and his wife explained that her mother earned money by growing flowers, and, in addition, the family “had a Volga, which was comparable in value to a residential apartment in the city Kyiv”.

The “Scheme” investigation also drew attention to the fact that there is a Mercedes S-class in the parking space of Polienko’s mother-in-law in the same residential complex, the owner of which could not be established due to the fact that it probably has cover plates. As the policeman himself told journalists, this car belongs to his wife’s friends who went abroad and asked to “ensure its storage and periodic maintenance.” Polienko noted that he uses this car “unsystematically” and therefore does not include information about the car in his declaration.

The policeman also declared that his wife received 7 million hryvnias as a gift from her grandmother, while her official income would not allow to explain such savings either. In a comment to “Schemes”, Taras Polienko reported that his wife “for a long time provided care and care for her grandmother”, so she gave her granddaughter all her property and savings. His wife, Antonina Polienko, could not explain the origin of 7 million savings from her grandmother.

Separately, “Schemes” drew attention to the reconstruction of a plot with a house in the Kyiv region, where the family of a policeman lived before moving to the capital residential complex. This house is registered to his sister Olena Palienko – deputy director of the Department for Citizenship, Passporting and Registration of the State Migration Service of Ukraine.

Already after Polienko took over the post of deputy head of the capital’s National Police, reconstruction of houses began on the plots belonging to his mother and sister, a swimming pool appeared and the landscape design changed.

Sister Polienko, an official of the State Migration Service, said in a comment that reconstruction is currently underway in the territory, because the family property was destroyed in 2022 during the invasion of their village by the Russian army.

Olena Palienko did not answer the cost of the reconstruction, but Taras Polienko noted that it is being carried out “at the expense of the family and close relatives” and said that “upon acquiring the registration status of the buildings, the property will be entered into the relevant state registers and declarations.”

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