September 30, 2024
A bipartisan committee in the US calls for a review of the strategy towards Russia thumbnail
Ukraine News Today

A bipartisan committee in the US calls for a review of the strategy towards Russia

A bipartisan committee in the US calls for a review of the strategy on Russia. A bipartisan committee in the US calls for recognizing Russia as a constant threat and reviewing the strategy. Massive aid to Ukraine and preparations for a long-term confrontation with the Russian Federation are proposed.”, — write on:

Representatives of the Republican and Democratic parties called on the US government to abandon the status quo established after the end of the Cold War in relations with the Russian Federation, and to define Moscow as a constant threat to global security. This is reported by The Hill, writes UNN.


The Helsinki Commission argues that Washington should rethink its approach to Russia, as it has done with China over the past few years, and allocate resources accordingly.

The priority direction of the strategy outlined in the report is ensuring Ukraine’s victory in the defensive war against Russia. The commission calls for “massive” military and humanitarian aid to Kyiv and permission for Ukraine’s armed forces to strike deep into Russia with US-provided weapons.

The report’s proposals go further than the Biden administration’s commitments to Ukraine and contradict the positions of former President Trump, the Republican nominee, and his allies in Congress.

The Republican chairman of the Helsinki Committee, Rep. Joe Wilson (D-South Carolina), dismissed the possibility that Trump would reach a deal with Putin. “There is no doubt in my mind that Donald Trump will see through the insincerity of war criminal Putin,” Wilson told the publication. “Putin is not someone with whom you can reach a significant agreement that would last.”

The report urges the US to prepare for a long-term confrontation, recognizing that Russia has a centuries-long history of violent imperialism against its neighbors, Europe and the world at large.

The conclusions seem obvious given the scale of Moscow’s violations of international law and norms, including the seizure of Crimea and occupation of Donbas in 2014, the full-scale invasion of Ukraine in 2022, the invasion and occupation of Georgia in 2008, the Kremlin’s attacks on political dissidents at home and abroad, interference in the elections of the USA and other democratic countries,

The report calls for an end to a 30-year misguided policy that believed cooperation with Russia and economic incentives would moderate its behavior.

The Helsinki report recommends not to ignore Russia’s nuclear threats, but to solve this problem with “common sense”. The report calls for a plan to respond to possible nuclear threats and attacks.

Overall, the report advocates full U.S. engagement with allies around the world, especially with countries on the frontlines of Russian aggression, manipulation, and coercion. This includes calls for increased military support, economic investment, development aid and a focus on “soft power” such as education and people-to-people exchanges.

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