“A 31-year-old California girl has lost weight by 190 kg-now she is not recognized by her relatives-video, photo of March 14, 17:35 Share: American dropped 190 kilograms (photo: Tanya SantiaGo/Instagram) In 2020, the weight of American Tani Santiago exceeded 266 kilograms. Now it is thinly by almost 200 kilograms and is not recognized by relatives and relatives. This was reported today, March 14, said Lad Bible Media. “I ate everything I could reach.”, – WRITE ON: ua.news
The American has dropped 190 kilograms (photo: Tanya SantiaGo/Instagram)
In 2020, the weight of American Tani Santiago exceeded 266 kilograms. Now it is thinly by almost 200 kilograms and is not recognized by relatives and relatives.
This was reported today, March 14, reported Media Lad Bible.
“I ate everything I could reach. Chinese food was my favorite and Mexican. I ate huge portions – a family of six people, ”the girl quoted.
In 2020, Tanya, who did not know that she was pregnant, lost her baby. She was in the third month, but her body rejected her pregnancy. Then a 26-year-old girl had to drink a tablet to interrupt pregnancy. “I was too big to lie on the table,” Tanya recalls.
After frightening for her life, she realized that she could not bear the baby without being serious. The girl also realized that she was not happy in marriage, and in December 2021 filed for divorce.
There is in any refrigerator. Scientists have called the perfect snack for weight loss in diabetes
The American began to change her life gradually. She went out short walks and started playing in the pool. Fast food replaced with healthy food.

By January 2023, she lost more than 17 kilograms, but her health was deteriorating. The examination was praised for the weight lost, but said that she had a fatty liver disease, which could develop into cancer. The girl was recommended to make a stomach shunt to help her lose weight and stop the development of the disease.
Biliopancreatic bypass – combined invasive intervention, which involves reducing the volume of the stomach, as well as the removal of a large segment of the small intestine from the digestive process.
After this four -hour operation, Tanya continued to play sports. She now trains six days a week for two hours a day.
At home they are not recognized and asked, “who this woman is in front of them,” the American adds.
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Tanya still preserves her old 7xl clothes as a “reminder” about how far it has advanced. Now she is on the way to become an online trainer and a bodybuilder.