“90-year-old George Armani appeared at the finale of his couture show, the legendary Italian designer George Armani released on the podium during the Armani Prive Haute Couture Ss’25. The 90-year-old fashion designer completed his 20th couture show, walking through the podium with the model.”, – WRITE ON: Unn.ua
The legendary Italian designer George Armani went to the podium during the Armani Prive Haute Couture Ss’25. The 90-year-old fashion designer completed his 20th couture show, walking through the podium with the model.
Italian designer clothing and accessories and fashion head of Giorgio Armani House George Armani appeared on his couture show Armani Prive Haute Kuture Ss’25, writes UNN with reference to Elle.
90-year-old George Armani completed his 20th Cuture Show Armani Privé Haute Couture Ss’25, walking through the podium with the model to give gratitude to the guests and friends of the fashion house.
Pamela Anderson cleared at Chanel without makeup.